Distraction Gone Wrong: Jack/Yana, R

Nov 05, 2007 19:00

Title: Distraction Gone Wrong
Author: Becky_H
Character(s): Professor Yana, Jack.
Genre: Slash
Rating: R for fade to black/implied sex.
Spoilers Utopia.
Warnings: Nope.
Word Count: 550ish, for this part. 1700-ish, total so far.
Prompt: Set2Music Prompt 28: Making this cold harbor now home
Summary: Jack's in trouble.
Author's Notes: This was never meant to be a WIP, but with a couple of meme requests, that's exactly what it's turned into. All the sections are linked together and about 600 words long. It's not finished. It may not ever be finished - but it's fun. Written for, and requested by, Senepa
Links to Previous Parts: Part One and Part Two.

He's so absorbed in the watch that he doesn't hear Yana get out of bed. He's just suddenly there.

"What are you doing?" the Professor asks him, looking at his watch in Jack's hand.

Jack stops feeling impossibly old in favor of feeling like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar.


The Professor looks at him expectantly and waits on an answer. Jack hopes that it's dark enough to hide the blush he can feel creeping up his face, gathers his wits and tries to answer. "I got up to go to the-"

"Naked?" the Professor asks Jack. He sounds far, far, more amused than annoyed. It does not help Jack's blush, and he tries very hard to contemplate killing him, just to save himself from dying from embarrassment.

"I was just looking at it." Right. He's several trillion years old. He sounds, even to himself, like he's maybe, maybe sixteen, and he only sounds that old because he's so defensive.

The Professor laughs softly and puts his hand on Jack's shoulder. "It's just a watch, Jack. It doesn't even work."

"It's an interesting watch. Old." He's regaining his balance now. He does not, however much he might want to, blame the hand on his shoulder.

"Very old," the Professor agrees in a distant tone that chills Jack, more even than the room. He shivers and the Professor seems to refocus. "Come back to bed," he urges Jack. "You can look at it there -- where it's warm, and the light's better."

Jack looks at the watch in his hand for a long moment. Yana misinterprets the meaning of that look and covers Jack's hand with his own, the watch between them, and pulls Jack gently back toward the bed. "Come on. We're both too old to be freezing our arses off out here."

When the man has a point, Jack decides, he has a point. He lets himself be led back to the bed. The Professor lets go of Jack's hand to slide into the bed and holds the covers up for Jack.

Jack curls his fingers around the watch as tight as he can stand and crawls into the bed. He doesn't loosen his grip on it while the Professor pulls the blankets up to their chins, and he doesn't turn his back on the Professor when he wraps around him. Face to face, Jack's arm over his waist so that the hand clutching the watch is behind the Professor. Out of his reach.

"I thought you wanted to examine my fob." There's a pun in there somewhere. A bad one. Jack likes it. Damn.

"I do," Jack says. He couldn't stop himself from grinning if he tried. The sex is a distraction, but it feels so good to be flirting -- playing, wanted -- again.

"Oh, I see. I suppose I could be convinced." Yana says. It's not coy because his voice is just layered with warmth, affection and humor.

"Not too old?" Jack teases, because he has to.

"Not too cold?" the Professor returns.

"I'll warm up," Jack promises.

His hand is still gripping the watch so tightly that the edges are cutting into his palm and his fingers ache. Jack is, he realizes, in a lot of trouble.

And not the kind he expected, either.


Conclusion: Decision

fic, redux-verse, slash, jack/master

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