'Captain Jack Harkness' made me cry.
It also rammed into the frakking floor one of my 'wierder' kinks (two guys dancing - if you've seen
this version of 'Swan Lake' you'll understand)
Even so - from about 38 minutes in to about two minutes from the end... it ripped my heart out and stamped on it. In the best way possible.
Now... if you'll excuse me, I need a Perspective and Soda with a icons chaser!
eta - I iz a berk (performs Gibbs slap on self) I meant to say 1x12! Not the 'Fight Club' rip off!
eeta - The scene I mentioned? Anybody up for posting a copy to the offices of... ooooo Bellasario, Bridge etal? Thinks about Gibbs doing that with either Ducky or DiNozzo. GUH!
There might be coherent meta on this show at some point. Just not right now as the mental images are... liek whoa!