To: Professor Brian Cox
Re: Comments made during
In The Shadow Of The Sun @ BFI on Saturday night.
I make no bones about the fact that I have a *bit* of a crush on you. No thinking being in the known universe would question me for such behaviour. You're handsome, intelligent, smart, witty and (seemingly) a very nice man.
The reason for this memo is this: Please for the love of the 'Verse warn a girl before telling an audience that you spent a very drunken night discussing the final scene of the excellent Sunshine with the even-more-beautiful-than-you Cillian Murphy (whom I *also* have a crush on). Who. let's be honest here, as 'Capa' was pretty much your avatar (and not in the 10ft Na'avi sense either!) in Sunshine- right down to the dress sense!
The reason I was going all o_O was because in that final scene it looks like Capa has either found god/inspiration/having the mother of all orgasms!
I already have a vivid imagination (and am a terrible perv) - don't make me use it! The results will be even more terrifying than Pinbacker!
P.S. Looking forward to Wonders Of The Universe!
Lots of love
To: Danny Boyle
Re: Aforementioned talk
Thank you for being a top man for taking time out of the editing suite to talk to the audience on Saturday at such a pressured time. Also for creating some excellent films as well, Sunshine is a particular favourite. I also promise to overcome my dislike of horror movies to watch 28 Days Later at some point. The genius stroke of putting Christopher Eccleston and the aforementioned Mr Murphy in said movie will ensure I do!;)
I shall be using your 'It's *not* a documentary' comment every time someone complains about the 'science' of a tv show/movie from now on!
Please carry on being utterly awesome. And get onto finding a script with an awesome female lead which will pass the Bechel test. I know you can do it!
Thanks again,
So that was *my* Saturday night - what was yours like?