Alright - this has been rattling around in the ol' noggin for a couple of weeks now. I haven't said anything because... I fear being right.
What is known so far - a member of the 'main' cast on NCIS is going to be killed off. Also that
something *even* more 'shocking' will happen to the team. Worst case scenario as to the character death - Tony. Best case scenario - Jenny. As for the 'shocking' event... The team will be split up.
I *hope* and I *pray* that I'm my usually so-completely-wrong-it's-not-even-laughable self with regard to one of the calls but I have a funny feeling that I'm not.
How do I feel about this? "Paralyzed' sums it up about right.
(To everyone reading this thinking 'It's only a TV show' - yes, you are right, it is. Now frak off and bother someone who gives a rat's bum what you think)
If you've seen the season finale of Torchwood you *should* understand why I'm so pissy on this particular matter. Having your heart ripped out of your chest by a television show once in a year is bad enough. A possible three (do you know how Doctor Who will end this series? Neither do I!) times is... emotional cruelty.
Of course - it could all be an elaborate 'joke' to boost NCIS ratings/popularity... which it doesn't really need because it does bloody well for itself, thank you! After all, look how the latest episode of Doctor Who panned out.
I could be wrong. I could be right. All I ask is that my favourite foursome (Gibbs/Abby/Ducky/Tony) make it through... but then I also ask that the SAG don't strike and that I get to win the lottery one day. So...
God only knows and she ain't telling.