I'm writing this on the 'other' pc in the house, lest my computer, takes offence and never speaks to me ever AGAIN!!!
So, the time has come for me to consider buying a new computer. My beloved laptop, Mithy, is starting to show his age. He'll be five next year (which is old for a laptop) The 'mind' is there, but the 'body' is starting to go. For example:
- The screen will not sit up on it's own breakfast (I have to brace a cushion between my knees as support)
- The lock is broken on it (I have to use a hair grip to open the clamshell)
-The keyboard is starting to fall apart. The 'J' and 'K' keys are held together with tape (but still work) and the 'B' key is starting to play up (understandably - not a good look!)
- I cannot run snazzy things like iPods off it.
This is not a good look. I want to be able to take my computer downstairs and work on stories and stuff and be sociable with the rest of the family (that I will end up writing smut in the same room as the family is neither here nor there!). So... before Mithy decides to make the decision for me... I want to buy a new computer.
Things It Needs To Do:
- Run a 'compatitble' word processor programme to Word
- Run Olympus Master Software for Ridley (my camera)
- Run AOL
- Run Firefox
- Run iTunes
- Play DVDs on it (R2 - everything else, the DVD player can handle)
- Be (relatively) lightweight and easy to lug around
- Be tough enough to withstand me. iPods have failed at this in the past.
Other stuff like have USB 2.0 is a no brainer (I might not know the first thing about computers - but I know they come as standard now)
So... Questions for the Hive Mind:
- Is Vista really the Spawn of the Devil?
- Is a Mac worth saving the extra money for? I've done my homework regarding most of the above on Macs (apart from the 'tough enough' one) and in nearly all (the Olympus software I have to double check) catergories, the answer is 'yes'. Wireless is another matter!
- How easy it to go over to wireless? I ain't stoopid when it comes to computers (I am a librarian, you know!) but it looks... hinky!
- How easy is it to transfer all the data from one computer to another?
- Anything else I need to know?
So... help?!