Captain's Blog: Non-Team

Apr 07, 2008 20:06

The best Non-Team bits from the BBC America Captain's Blog.

I will be updating as the blog updates, so keep on the look out. Links to team members here and at end of post. If you feel like I've missed anyone or anything out, let me know and I'll add it in. My thanks to
theonides for the icon.

Rhys Williams, Suzie Costello, Lisa Hallett, Torchwood Two, Diane Holmes, The Real Captain Jack, Bilis Manger, The Doctor, "Captain John Hart", Martha Jones, Gray

Rhys Williams

Series 1:

Entry 1:

"Possible security issue with her partner, Rhys Williams."

Entry 2:

"Security: Monitoring of Gwen Cooper's communication continues - no breaches yet, partner Rhys Williams still unaware of TW or Gwen's new role."

Entry 9:

"Have discontinued phone and email surveillance, as there are no signs of a breach, or of her partner finding out what she does."

Series 2:

Entry 14:

"Other Staff issues: Gwen is now engaged. I'm happy for her, but I'm concerned about what it might mean - can she stay here, still keeping everything from Rhys? I worry that we're going to lose her."

Entry 17:

"Security: Ah, security. We laugh at the word. To be fair, Rhys was going to discover us sooner or later, he’s not stupid. It turned out to be helpful, as he was our way into the warehouse, and proved himself to be brave and resourceful. Thankfully. If he’d got killed, I think Gwen would have grabbed a knife and made me go through eternity without the use of my mini Captain and his two lieutenants."

"Other security issues: After much discussion, and some colorful metaphors from Gwen, we agreed (sort of) not to give Rhys the amnesia pill. He’s been through enough, and won’t give anything away - he knows that if he does, he’ll be putting Gwen’s life in danger. It was pretty much an ultimatum from Gwen, and we can’t afford to lose her over this. If she says Rhys will keep quiet, then that’s good enough for me. Although it wouldn’t hurt to monitor the phone lines again, just for a month. Maybe two."

Entry 22:

"Other security issues: Reminder to self - double check that someone’s mother is actually an alien before calling them an ‘’ugly bitch’’. Although it’s not a proper wedding if someone hasn’t been punched in the face. Just wish it didn’t have to be my face."

"Staff: Despite the alien’s - and our - stomping around and breaking stuff, Gwen and Rhys managed to get married in the end. We’re all happy for them. Maybe it is possible to have a life outside Torchwood. I can’t lie though - rushing in and shouting ‘’stop the wedding’’ was enormous fun. I’m sure Gwen and Rhys will be able to laugh about that, one day. Years, decades from now, maybe."

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Suzie Costello

Series 1:

Entry 1:

"Other Staff issues: Sad to report Suzie Costello killed in action. Use of the Resurrection Glove severely damaged her, leading her to take her own life. On a personal note, this has affected me greatly. Since her recruitment we have worked closely, and her dedication and service were second to none. Unfortunately I was not sufficiently aware of the strain she was under, and underestimated the temptation of the Resurrection Glove. She will be sorely missed."

Entry 8:

"Alien technology: A murder investigation led to Suzie Costello, so despite misgivings, we used the Resurrection Glove on her. Gwen successfully revived her, but somehow the Glove kept a continuous flow of energy going between them, keeping Suzie alive. I was forced to kill Suzie again to save Gwen's life."

"Security: Suzie left a verbal Trojan horse in our security system which caused a lockdown... Civilian deaths: Suzie Costello (again). Chandra Costello. Alex Arwyn, Mark Briscoe, Sarah Briscoe. Level Three cleanup required; Max Edwards was not responsible for the murders, as he was following post-hypnotic suggestions planted by Suzie... Have checked other members of the Pilgrim support group, and found two more people programmed by Suzie in case her plan didn't work - one to go on a killing spree after six months, one "

"Staff: Somehow I knew we had unfinished business with Suzie. Bringing her back showed her true nature. The first time she died, I was willing to blame it all on the Glove getting into her head. But this plan is something else entirely. The roots of this go too far back. She must have been damaged for a long time."

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Lisa Hallett and Cybermen

Series 1:

Entry 1:

"Energy surges in the lower areas of the hub remain unexplained."

Entry 2:

"Energy surges in the lower areas of the hub still unexplained."

Entry 3:

"Upcoming issues: Energy surges in the lower areas of the hub still unexplained; there have been several more in the past week. Ianto volunteered to investigate, but has not discovered an explanation yet."

Entry 4:

"Alien technology: Fully operational Cyber-conversion unit, as well as partially converted human, Lisa Hallett (now deceased). ALL Cyber technology to be melted down and disposed of safely. Risk of reconstruction of the Cyber army is too great, and outweighs any potential knowledge that could be gained."

"Code Zero Incursion involving the Cyber-conversion unit and partially converted human. Lockdown of Hub initiated to ensure containment."

"Other security issues: Three civilian deaths - Lisa Hallett, Dr. Ryoichi Tanizaki, and Annie Bennett. Standard cleanup procedure for Tanizaki and Bennett, no outside cleanup necessary for Hallett - she was missing and presumed killed in the Torchwood 1 battle of Canary Wharf. Her body is to be disposed of with the Cyber technology"

"Staff: Ianto Jones has been covertly keeping a Cyber-conversion unit and his half-converted girlfriend locked in a basement storage area. Apart from the betrayal of the team and obvious security issues, a Cyberwoman on the loose could have resulted in the Cyber army gaining a new foothold on this planet, using it as a base, and destroying/converting all life as we know it. Nice heels, though."

"Nice heels, though."

"Upcoming issues: Energy surges in the lower areas of the hub no longer an issue, now the Cyber technology has been powered down and removed."

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Torchwood Two:

Series 1:

Entry 5:

"Upcoming issues: Received message from Torchwood 2. Will read it next week. That guy gives me the creeps."

Entry 6:

"Upcoming issues: Equipment allocation request from Torchwood 2 denied. Not satisfied with reasons given for request, and cannot be assured that the equipment would be returned safely. Last loan agreed was six months ago, and the material has still not been returned."

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Diane Holmes

Series 1:

Entry 10:

"Rift activity: The projected opening of the rift turned out to be a transcendental portal, the same one responsible for the disappearance of the passenger plane "Sky Gypsy" on December 18th, 1953... Civilians Diane Holmes, Emma-Louise Cowell and John Ellis were on board, in good health, though understandably confused."

"Security: Ianto provided new identities... Will keep the ones created for John and Diane in reserve, for possible future use."

"Diane Holmes is missing again - either dead, or has entered another rift portal. No portals were picked up on our systems after she left, but if one had opened for a very short time, it may have been missed. I hope she made it."

Entry 11:

"The only possible thing that will make him feel better is getting Diane back, and that's not in my power right now."

Entry 12:

"Staff: Owen claims he opened the Rift purely to rescue us. It's painfully obvious that it was also an attempt to try and find Diane again. The thing is, she left of her own accord, and I don't think she'd ever want to come back here. But I hope she does, before Owen self destructs."

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Captain Jack Harkness

Series 1:

Entry 12:

"Myself and Toshiko were sent to 1941, and trapped there, where we met Captain Jack Harkness. The real one. The one whose name I took. "

"Security: Civilian deaths: Captain Jack Harkness (the real one). Sure, he was already dead, but now it feels like it just happened. I never gave it much thought, other than finding a handy identity to steal. Now I've met him, I'm glad that I can continue to do good work in his name. Such bravery, I'm in awe. What if Owen hadn't opened the rift, and we'd been stuck there? Would I have let history carry on, let Jack die? That would be the right thing, the best thing to do. Saving him might have completely messed up the course of history. But sometimes you don't care, you want to break the rules of time and space, throw everything into chaos and to hell with the consequences, just to save someone you love. It's a good thing Owen opened that rift, because right now I couldn't care less about the rules and preserving history."

Series 2:

Entry 16:

"Tosh saw what happened with the real Captain Jack, so there was no way I could - or would - try and stop her. I know exactly how she feels."

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Bilis Manger

Series 1:

Entry 12:

"Other security issues: Need to find Bilis Manger. I've got some questions for him. Questions and a nice metal chair in the interrogation room."

Enrty 13:

"Security: Bilis Manger manipulated the team to get them to open the Rift. "

"Other security issues: Bilis Manger still missing. We'll find him. Tosh and Ianto are working up some theories, places to look. We have a few leads, so he can't hide forever."

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The Doctor

Series 1:

Entry 13:

"But only one person would have made me crack, and I know he's safe. And if he ever passes by, I have a bag all packed and ready."

Entry 20:

"Again, if we’d let anything happen to Martha, we would have been in serious trouble."

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"Captain John Hart"

Series 2:

Entry 14:

"Other activity: Captain John Hart for the purposes of this archive, we'll pretend that's his real name (separate file with full details to follow). He came through the Rift, still as sociopathic as ever. And tried to kill us all. But come on, check out those cheekbones."

"A DNA-seeking bomb, which attached itself to John. We all had a pretty good laugh about that."

"John arrived, and left, although he went back through the first opening, not the second"

"Security: Let John into the Hub twice, and he nearly killed us all."

Entry 25:

"Rift activity: Several spikes and lots of interference, which is probably why we didn’t pick up on John coming through. Or his passenger."

"Security: ‘’John Hart’’ came back, and ran rings around us. Didn’t see it coming at all. He laid the groundwork well, had us all fooled."

"Other security issues: John has Gray. He has my brother...he’s in the hands of a sociopath. Whatever John wants, I’ll have to do it"

"We got lucky. And so did John. Because if he’d killed anyone - if he had hurt Ianto - I would have slowly ripped him limb from limb."

Entry 26:

"Security: It wasn’t John after all. But how easily I believed that he was capable of that."

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Dr. Martha Jones

Series 2:

Entry 19:

"[Owen] was able to save Martha’s life. If we’d let anything happen to her... oh, that would have been bad. We quite literally owe her the world."

Entry 20:

"Security: When trying to destroy the other glove, it sucked the life force out of Martha, and aged her. Things got put right in the hospital later on... Again, if we’d let anything happen to Martha, we would have been in serious trouble."

Entry 21:

"Martha has gone back to her day job, and we’ll all miss her."

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Series 2:

Entry 25:

"Rift activity: Several spikes and lots of interference, which is probably why we didn’t pick up on John coming through. Or his passenger."

"Other security issues: John has Gray. He has my brother. I haven’t seen him since I lost him, all those years ago. And now I finally get the chance to see him again, he’s in the hands of a sociopath. Whatever John wants, I’ll have to do it, I can’t risk anything happening to Gray. He’s the only family I have left, and the only chance I have of forgiving myself for letting him go."

Entry 26:

"It was Gray. My own brother. I wasn’t expecting him to forgive me. I didn’t deserve forgiveness. I deserved punishment. But it went a whole lot further than that. Despite everything, I still can’t blame him for what he did. I forgave him. His mind was gone. Ravaged. Nothing left but hatred. Those creatures took away everything that he was. And it was all my fault."

"Other security issues: Gray was incapable of forgiveness, of healing. All he would have done was commit more atrocities. So I had to neutralise him. Couldn’t kill him. Don’t think I ever will be able to."

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Myfanwy, Gwen, Ianto, Tosh, Owen, Jack, Other

torchwood, captain's blog

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