Yes. All of this was necessary.

Apr 26, 2011 04:49

→ The new theme is out--Happily Ever After, a wedding theme. I'd have preferred a May Day sort of theme instead, it would have fit with spring better, and I thought a wedding would be better for Jun, but whatever. I am totally snagging some of those rose petals for decorations. :Db ( Read more... )

young avengers, viewfinder, siege, tumblr, kimi ni todoke, dark reign, sailor moon, manga blogging, anime blogging, farmville, comic blogging, children's crusade

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Comments 17

tammaiya April 26 2011, 12:13:19 UTC
That's because Pin IS amazing, okay. Just nobody else is great enough to appreciate his awesomeness. It's a fact. :|b I'm really glad you're enjoying the manga, though--! Just reading your post makes me relieve all my own ~*FEELINGS*~ for this manga of adorkable sweethearts.

Why don't I have any kimi ni todoke icons, anyway? Aside from the fact I always ask myself this question about everything and have no icon space, I mean.


beckerbell April 26 2011, 12:50:50 UTC
And now that I'm back, you've disappeared instead! And, ugh, tell me about it. Even if I had more icon space, I know me, though. I'd just upload a bunch more Sailor Moon icons.

PIN IS AMAZING. Even if he does say so himself! And I really am impressed with this series and it's ability to make me ~*FEEEEEL*~ things, even knowing what's coming ahead of time. I'm probably going to be a mess by the time I catch up to the post-anime chapters. orz


tammaiya April 26 2011, 12:56:21 UTC
Ahahaha, whereas I'm lazy and I'd probably barely do anything even if I HAD space.

My internet is just being lame! that's the problem with trying to stick to my room.


beckerbell April 26 2011, 13:39:19 UTC
All you need is once in awhile to get unlazy! And then upload everything at once! ....that's what I do. >_>

That'll probably be good timing then! I need to lie down for awhile as well, so hopefully we'll see each other later tonight/tomorrow!



joyeuxnoel April 26 2011, 13:20:20 UTC

(Also, I completely forgot the whole, "I want to find the Young Avengers" spell which is a shame because it's hilarious. And hey, it's not like Billy's spell didn't work.)

And man, I can not stop laughing at the fan art of cockblocking Tommy. Best thing for life.


beckerbell April 26 2011, 13:35:24 UTC
The Royal Duck Guard being really cute makes up for the Royal Horse being totally fugly, seriously.

And hey, it's not like Billy's spell didn't work

Ahahahahaha, I hadn't even thought of that, but it's true! Technically, he found the Young Avengers!

I honestly don't know what's better about that--Tommy's trollface or Teddy's, "I will end you." STILL LAUGHING.


joyeuxnoel April 26 2011, 13:55:44 UTC
The duck is so adorable. I kind of almost want to play Farmville just for that.

I always imagine there's one more beat of silence then Billy's all, "I want to find the other Young Avengers."

And omg, I didn't even realize the twin beds turned into a double/queen/king bed until now. That's so awesome. ♥

Man, your post is this long and you haven't even gotten to the good Maximoff family stuff yet. 0:D


beckerbell April 26 2011, 14:05:04 UTC
There are lots of adorable ducks in Farmville, you know~~ Lots of adorable animals like cats and cows and pigs and horses (non-fugly ones, even!) and chickens and OMG THE SHEEP ARE SOOOOO CUUUUUTE. I mean, look how cute the prizes are for the spring basket collection!, I failed to notice that, too. I really love how casual the art is about showing that they're comfortable sharing a bed--they do it in a later issue, too, when Billy can't sleep, you can see Teddy is laying right next to him, one arm draped over him. It... it kind of seriously makes me wonder about them sometimes.

Jesus, tell me about it. Can you imagine what it'll be like when I get to when Wanda shows up? Though, this issue was about Billy's power going BOOM! and I have been waaaaaiting for that. .....but, then, I also love the Magneto stuff, so I am going to go NUTS over UNCANNY VON TRAPPS STILL FUNNY DYYYING.


themadpoker April 26 2011, 13:31:03 UTC
Argh what I need to catch up on Young Avengers soon. Even if it is all tie-ins and that was the primary reason I stopped reading in the first place. (I just want them to have their own volumes! That aren't about Civil War/Invasion/Whatever Other Thing Marvel has Come up With To Try To Make Me Buy Five Million Volumes of Stuff)


beckerbell April 26 2011, 13:37:55 UTC
I've found that, as long as you know the basics of the events, the tie-ins stand surprisingly well on their own. Avengers: The Children's Crusade does depend a lot more on knowing the events of Avengers: Disassemble/House of M, but honestly there's not that much to know. I haven't caught up since Secret Invasion, yet I read the Dark Reign and Siege stuff just fine? :D?

I do wish they had a regular series of their own, too, but... it's also hard for me to complain because ACC is hitting pretty much every note I have been waiting for with these characters.


sherryillk April 26 2011, 14:18:33 UTC
My guess is the wedding theme is because of the Royal Wedding...

And hey, I've been at pig breeding longer and I'm still mystified by it. I wonder if that was their intention though -- to make it so much more confusing than even sheep breeding so we can never predict what we're going to get... I mean today I had two red pigs make a black baby -- how does that even make sense?


beckerbell April 26 2011, 14:29:40 UTC
*forehead smack* I didn't even think of the Royal Wedding! I hardly watch tv anymore, so I'm completely out of the loop on that, and it didn't even occur to me, but I bet you're right.

I actually wouldn't mind if they made breeding completely random, then I'd have a chance at getting different patterns or one of those flashing sheep or pigs! But I assume what it is is that there's always the chance of a plain colored sheep/pig whenever you're breeding, even if you're using patterned or colored sheep/pigs. I had two polkadot sheep that I bred this morning and got a pure black one (which was actually kind of cute, so I didn't mind, but), but I don't actually know how it works. Maybe they like to have it just ALMOST make sense, but then not really, just to torture us. XD


tammaiya April 29 2011, 03:45:09 UTC
Beckyyyy, where are yooooooou? D: Are you okay? I am disappointed that you did not use your magical psychic powers to come online the moment I finished another chapter of Sailor Moon.


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