► - I HAS A FINAL FANTASY XIII OMG. I'm only about an hour in, so I'm not quite to the end of the first chapter yet, but it's a gorgeous gorgeous game so far! And Lightning is totally my imaginary girlfriend already. ♥
Snow is a lot more likeable than I was thinking he would be, but a lot of that is FFVIII amusement. Sure, he needs a shave,
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Comments 29
I am glad you bought the game. And lol, I had the same reaction with Snow except I didn't make the Zell connection. Since I hadn't been keeping up with the buzz I was all, "Please let Snow be a Monk, please let him be a Monk" when the first battle started. :D
I know it makes me one of those fangirls, but is it wrong to love Snow because he looks like a Seifer/Zell lovechild? :< I still ship them really hard, okay. And, hey, any reason to like the male characters of this game! Since I wasn't really expecting to like any of them from the buzz surrounding the game. (Not that preferring the girls for a game or two is a bad thing. But I do have my fondness for male characters, too.)
Is it wrong to love Snow because he looks like a Seifer/Zell lovechild?
You're asking me of all people that question? *snorts* Really now. =P I am... totally in love with Snow's character design. And his coat. And just... all around awesome. So much so.
I also think Hope is adorkable so far so that's a good thing.
I'm not really feeling the female characters besides Lightning but I am not surprised about that so. However, man, so far I feel like I'm stuck in E-Z Mode or something. :/
I have to give FFXIII that at least they're coming up with some new designs (sort of) for the male characters (just wait for vs XIII, THEN we'll be back to the prettyboys, I'm sure), even if the female characters are kind of totally recycled. But I still really want Snow to just shave already. :<
I haven't met Vanille or Fang yet, but I'm pretty sure that I'll like them, I've been really feeling female characters lately. But I have been sort of, "....this game is really easy so far. I know it's meant to be, but...." I suppose I won't judge until I can start doing sidequests or so, that's when you'll really be able to get a feel for the game, I suspect.
Just a heads up. :D
But to my total surprise, I'm loving FF 13 so much more than anything I've played so far this year! I'm 25 hours in and I can't stop playing. Yes its very linear and feels like a movie, but at this stage of my life, I'm actually liking it that way. Plus did you know Snow's VA is Yuri from Vesperia? He totally grew on me the more I listened to him speak.
I know a lot of people hate it (and I've heard that the world opens up after about 30 hours of play) but I kind of love linear/movie-like games? I miss the usual FF-style set up for a game as anyone, but I'm trying to give this new game a chance, too! And it's certainly a beautiful game and I can appreciate it on a technical level. And AHAHAHA THAT'S WHY SNOW SOUNDS SO FAMILIAR. Really, he's growing on me a lot. ♥
So far, I'm 25 hours in and its still a bit linear, I'm guessing that once I get to chapter 11, it does open up. By the way, please tell me if you squee at Cid when he shows up. Since your tastes are like mine, I think you probably will. :)
What I'm really curious about is how long this game is going to be! I'm only three hours in and I'm into chapter 3, but it's the beginning of the game and, of course, things get longer as you get into the later chapters/the side quests. But I know the game isn't going to wind up only being 30 hours long or so, right?
I'm ehhh 10 hrs in? And I dislike only 1 character so far. :| I want be Lightning when I grow up though. *_*
I'm two hours in now and I (mostly) like everyone so far, but I was determined to. Vanille and Hope may give me some trouble on that, but OMG LIGHTNING. SHE IS MY FOREVER HEROINE. ♥
I mean, it's still a beautiful game and I'll probably be fine, but NO OVERGRINDING, NO LIFE. >:|
I am somewhere in the middle of chapter 4! DELIGHTFUL :3
I'm finally getting the hang of the system and can kind of see why they did it--given how much they KEEP CHANGING MY PARTY ON ME--and how to work it better, so my fondness for it is definitely going up!
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