Big Bang Masterpost: Anywhere and Everywhere People (CWRPF AU, J2, NC-17)

Jul 26, 2011 03:04

Ugh, it's still Monday in the continental US, so I guess I win.

Fic title: Anywhere and Everywhere People
Author name: beckaandzac
Artist name: lust_and_liars
Genre: RPS AU
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, minor JDM/Zoe Saldana
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~28,000
Warnings: slavery, underage sex, consensual kink, mentions of violence and physical and sexual abuse of children and adults, scifi written by a lit major
Summary: Jared, heir to an intergalactic shipping company, receives a body slave as a sixteenth birthday gift. Jensen is the first slave Jared has ever spoken to, since household slaves are required to be "altered" when they reach adulthood, fitted with a hearing implant that allows them to hear only their master's voice. As the two of them grow up together and fall in love, Jensen helps Jared to realize the ugly truth about the nature of slavery and the society he has always taken for granted. As adults, Jensen is the only one who sees the divide between Jared's private life and his public facade, and Jared is the only one who sees Jensen for what he is, an equal in every way. A very loose sci-fi interpretation of the Scarlet Pimpernel.
Notes & Thanks: My undying gratitude to balefully and poor_choices, for betaing, cheerleading, and for porn of the duck and unduck variety. Many thanks also to wendy, without whose inspiration this story would not exist at all. And as always, thanks to wendy and thehighwaywoman for making big bang run smooth. Title and cut texts from "Anywhere and Everywhere People" by Carl Sandburg.

NGL, my worldbuilding in this fic leaves a lot to be desired. There are many, many unexplained things in the universe I've set up, and probably some major scientific inaccuracies that I didn't quite think through. But I kind of love it anyway. I think there's enormous potential for me to continue this story, and to follow the people who were secondary characters this time into stories of their own. I really want to do that. So if there's anything you want to know more about, let me know so I can start figuring it out. <33

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Art Post | PDF including artwork

rpf, j2, big bang, nc-17

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