Catwoman!ext_804153September 25 2011, 03:34:01 UTC
Yay! Someone who's in the "I didn't hate Catwoman #1 Club" with me! ( - as you know). I also appreciate the POV of an artist who commented on that big old blabby blog post against Starfire and Selina's portrayal, noting that the first few panels, while they didn't show her face, showed her fluidity. The commenter was an artist and she said she really liked the flow of movement the whole thing showed, and I agree. I loved that in that flow, she stopped for her babies and I love that her sexuality is also about really nice lingerie (I can appreciate that
( ... )
Re: Catwoman!beccatoriaSeptember 25 2011, 16:29:05 UTC
GAH LJ! This comment got caught in LJ's spam filter, so I've unscreened it but you've reposted below, so I'll be back shortly to reply there! Just letting you know what happened! :)
Wonder Woman!ext_804153September 25 2011, 03:37:57 UTC
I WANT THAT GLADITORIAL OUTFIT! Why why why does the internet tease me with its images, but DC refuses to give it to me. Honestly, the one thing I hated most about the new Justice League was the write up at the back where they talked about the new look and mentioned at least three times that they scrapped some looks because they were too "complicated." Sucks to be you, Aquaman! Wonder Woman's outfit is horrible.
But anyway.
I liked this book. Lots of intriguing plot and the only one I've read that has intriguing plot to pull you in, rather than splash pages. Actually, Batman #1 was interesting too, but then I got all confused with the 40 other Bat titles out.
The thing that I found striking about this was that, unlike the other books that took time out to (re)introduce their characters, there was nothing at all on Wonder Woman. Not only did she not appear until far into the book, but we didn't get any insight into her. There was no inner monologue etc. Just her getting down to business.
Starfire!ext_804153September 25 2011, 03:39:31 UTC
Hadn't planned on reading this, but now have NO interest. There is NOTHING redeeming about those images of her. And top it off with the locker room talk? No thanks.
Re: Starfire!beccatoriaSeptember 25 2011, 16:39:05 UTC
YAY! I'm glad to have warned you off. Seriously, I'm glad I wasn't a fan of hers previously - I would be, I dunno what I'd be but it wouldn't be pretty.
Batman totally went over there to have sex. Resist shmesist!
I liked this Batman book. I did not like Detective Comics. Well, no, I didn't hate it, but ... I am not understanding how they are rebooting with so many Batman-specific titles in place, plus Batman's all over the place in other books.
Where does he even have time for booty calls?
Also, I liked the focus on Bruce Wayne doing something for the city as Bruce Wayne. I mean really, all that crime? Why do people even live there? Why are there slums with so many rich people? Bruce leaves Gotham as is so that he has something to do. But this book is going to deal with that. Because obviously the writers have been watching videos at
Re: Batman!beccatoriaSeptember 25 2011, 16:29:18 UTC
GAH LJ! This comment got caught in LJ's spam filter, so I've unscreened it but you've reposted below, so I'll be back shortly to reply there! Just letting you know what happened! :)
Comments 19
( - as you know). I also appreciate the POV of an artist who commented on that big old blabby blog post against Starfire and Selina's portrayal, noting that the first few panels, while they didn't show her face, showed her fluidity. The commenter was an artist and she said she really liked the flow of movement the whole thing showed, and I agree. I loved that in that flow, she stopped for her babies and I love that her sexuality is also about really nice lingerie (I can appreciate that ( ... )
But anyway.
I liked this book. Lots of intriguing plot and the only one I've read that has intriguing plot to pull you in, rather than splash pages. Actually, Batman #1 was interesting too, but then I got all confused with the 40 other Bat titles out.
The thing that I found striking about this was that, unlike the other books that took time out to (re)introduce their characters, there was nothing at all on Wonder Woman. Not only did she not appear until far into the book, but we didn't get any insight into her. There was no inner monologue etc. Just her getting down to business.
Hadn't planned on reading this, but now have NO interest. There is NOTHING redeeming about those images of her. And top it off with the locker room talk? No thanks.
I liked this Batman book. I did not like Detective Comics. Well, no, I didn't hate it, but ... I am not understanding how they are rebooting with so many Batman-specific titles in place, plus Batman's all over the place in other books.
Where does he even have time for booty calls?
Also, I liked the focus on Bruce Wayne doing something for the city as Bruce Wayne. I mean really, all that crime? Why do people even live there? Why are there slums with so many rich people? Bruce leaves Gotham as is so that he has something to do. But this book is going to deal with that. Because obviously the writers have been watching videos at
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