The MEME is more or less gacked from
lost_spook. I've added my favorite sonnet after the MEME because the MEME is all about his plays, and the man wrote things besides plays.
1) What was the first Shakespeare play you saw/read?
I think the first Shakespeare play I was exposed to was a text version of A Midsummer Night's Dream for young readers
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Comments 3
We did Macbeth in 6th grade, and I remember really enjoying Banquo's ghost. Somehow it lead to my being the one to read more than one of Shakespeare's ghosts. I read Hamlet's father, and Julius Caesar before and after he becomes a ghost when we read the plays out loud in class.
With Julius Caesar we went over and over Marc Anthony's speech so I had no concept as it as a whole play at school.
That's too bad. The way we approached the plays in grade school was to read the plays from beginning to end, and have some of the students volunteer to read the parts out loud. I always liked reading the characters. I tended to wind up reading more than one role. In Julius Caesar I read the title character, and Brutus' wife Portia (or those are the ones I volunteered for anyway). I don't remember who I read in Macbeth besides Banquo, but I'm sure he wasn't the only part I read in the whole play.
I also resent R&J being the play being the one ( ... )
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