One stupid signature.

Mar 08, 2011 18:27

 Okay, guys, so remember all of that brouhaha last week? About the job application to France? And how I had originally thought that it was due in March 15th, not March 1st, and then I had to rush to get it all put together and sent off but ultimately I got it in and everything was all right?

Apparently not. :(

Dad walked into the study about half ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

avocado_love March 9 2011, 01:50:34 UTC
Oh shit, girl... I'm so sorry. Maybe they'll overlook it if you got most of the application in? You never know... *hugs*


beboots March 9 2011, 02:12:20 UTC
Thank you for your positive thinking, and the hug. *hugs back*

I'm just... I feel like an idiot. I mean, I can only HOPE that it'll be okay, but I get the feeling that I was stretching their patience as it was, sending the package in late in the first place, and the fact that I didn't get back to them promptly... :(


avocado_love March 9 2011, 18:11:35 UTC
You never know, though. I worked in customer service/admin for awhile and there was a lot of time people would overlook flubs like that when it was SO CLOSE and the person seemed sincere.

I'll be crossing my fingers for ya!


kuiskata March 9 2011, 04:11:09 UTC
I'm so sorry. I really hope that they accept it anyway. *big, huge hugs* (I'll give you one in person tomorrow.)

Also, and this is obviously a little late for this particular form, but would you be able to set this third email up so that it automatically forwards a copy every email you get to one of the emails you check more often? So that something likt this doesn't happen in the future?


beboots March 9 2011, 04:24:13 UTC
That e-mail forwarding thing is exactly what I THOUGHT I'd done. :( I check my ualberta e-mail several times a day. I check my hotmail one more often, but there's so much stuff in there...

But thank you for the suggestion. :) Cassidy is clever and knows all the things! <3


kuiskata March 9 2011, 05:22:17 UTC
:((( That sucks. I've never actually done email forwarding, so I don't know how it works. Maybe if you fiddle around with it and then send a test email to check?



mightyinkas March 10 2011, 02:03:56 UTC
OH NO! *hugs*

That is AWFUL. I hate, hate, hate that feeling - the one you're having right now.

Earlier this year I discovered - because *my principal* called me into his office and showed me - that I had made three (THREE!) mistakes on some critical paperwork. Luckily, it was a fairly easy fix... but MY GOD I felt like the biggest damn idiot on the planet (still do), and if my principal had fired me in that moment, I would've completely agreed.

So please learn 2 things from this story:

1) This stuff happens to everyone, even official grown-ups with mortgages and shit.
2) You'll live through it, but meanwhile, even if you feel like throwing up, don't.

And also: *more hugs*


beboots March 10 2011, 04:17:11 UTC
Thanks for the hug. :) And the anecdote!

In fact - everything HAS turned out all right. Turns out that the woman at the French embassy in France is awesome and wouldn't actually discard my application. After a lot of time on the e-mail this morning, plus several tries with the scanner and then the good ole fashioned fax machine, as well as one long-distance phone call and a LOT of stress... I think my application's back on track. I wanted to hug the lady over the phone when I found out. My French was fairly good until that moment and then I kind of dissolved into a series of "merci merci merci merci - au revoir!" CLICK. ;)

Still, the lesson I learned from all of this? Double-check my due dates and read every last detail of contracts THOROUGHLY. (Probably a good maxim to abide by - I don't want to accidentally literally sell my soul away one day or something.)


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