A Dark Day Has Come...

Dec 16, 2010 23:09

... Incidentally, I wrote my translation exam this morning. Despite my nervousness, my day wasn't made terrible by that exam, which went rather well! The 60 multiple choice/true or false/fill in the blanks ended up being harder than expected, but the essay question and ad analysis weren't anywhere near as difficult as anticipated! Anyway, we got a ( Read more... )

interwebs, anxiousness, say it ain't so!, fanficcery

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Comments 47

kuiskata December 17 2010, 06:31:40 UTC
Still using my yahoo email, because a) I've been using it since I was 13, seriously, and b) not much of a fan of the alternatives. I don't like hotmail or gmail...

(Still hoping that Yahoo doesn't actually go through with this. Apparently the backlash on Twitter is HUGE... It's like all the stupid every time LJ does something - and Delicious has such a huge fandom following, and we'll all probably scatter to various places, again, much like when LJ does stupid things. *sigh ( ... )


beboots December 17 2010, 06:43:14 UTC
"Thank god that MLCS final was this morning, because if this news had broken yesterday, my focus for studying." I second that motion. :(

I'm seriously hoping that the backlash will be big enough for Yahoo to go "oh, oops! Uh, we didn't mean it, clientelle, here, nothing's wrong, there there, don't kill us". :(

Also, thanks for the link, m'dear! I'm still debating on Pinboard - it looks promising, but I think I'll see how Diigo works out for me. :P


kuiskata December 17 2010, 06:49:07 UTC
And the thing is - delicious is free. If Yahoo charged for delicious, such as using different account levels like, oh, most sites in existence, they'd probably make some good money there. (I'd certainly pay for delicious. I already pay for flickr...)

Yeah, I think ther general consensus is that Diigo and Pinboard are the top two contenders, though there is discussion of a fan-made "fork" (but not really a fork because delicious isn't open source).


beboots December 17 2010, 06:50:42 UTC
I would totally pay for Delicious. I'd pay like $5/month or more for it. :P


beckyh2112 December 17 2010, 06:39:19 UTC
Has your import through Diigo gone through? Mine still hasn't. Makes me want to try to import again.


beboots December 17 2010, 06:44:58 UTC
I have nearly 10,000 bookmarks. I'll be worried if it doesn't go through by tomorrow morning when I wake up. I think that their servers are just overloaded by the number of people jumping ship from Delicious. (SAD FACE) I still feel the urge to put really sad faces on the end of every sentence even if they're not expressing negative statements. It's just how I feel about this whole situation at the moment. ;_;


beckyh2112 December 17 2010, 06:47:12 UTC
Wow. I've only got 200 something, but I've found I need some sort of bookmarking service so I can keep track of "things what I need to comment on when I have more energy".

Am not entirely pleased with diigo's interface, though I am hoping the highlighting feature will make research easier for me on future projects. But I need my bookmarks available to play around with this thing's features.


beboots December 17 2010, 06:49:35 UTC
I know what you mean. I'm just anxious about the whole thing. :( If I don't like Diigo in the end I think I may switch to Pinboard, which is paid but apparently a better clone of Delicious. At the moment, I'm just researching my free options... ;)


avocado_love December 17 2010, 07:48:18 UTC
*sigh* It sucks. It sucks big donkey dick. (I'm ever eloquent.)

I had the bright idea of moving my list to LJ and... I'm a quarter of the way through after working steadily for 2 hours. Gah. This will have to be a couple-day project.

But I'm with you on Yahoo: This practice of buying up the competition just to fail with it has become unacceptable to me. I only used it for minimal things -- Delicious and old Yahoogroups sites. Now I will make an effort not to use any of their services in the future, not even web searching.

I know you're switching to Diigo (not Dingo, as I first read it. haha), but I was wondering... how big is your file? Would you mind terribly about sending a copy to me? Your delicious account is extensive, and we seem to have similar taste in fic.


beboots December 17 2010, 16:29:40 UTC
Sure! Send me a personal message with your e-mail address and I'll send you my file as an attachment. It's just over 3MB in size, and you can read it on Google Chrome and, presumably, other web browsers. You can't view the tags like this, but you can see the summaries and the link titles. I'm still waiting on Diigo's importing to go through, and then I'll see how I like Diigo's interface...


kuiskata December 17 2010, 19:14:30 UTC
...Could I get a copy of your links file, too? (I mean, I know I've already saved a good half of what's relevant to me, i.e., fandoms that we share, but still! XD)


avocado_love December 17 2010, 21:12:29 UTC
YAY! Send to voodoo.weasel@gmail.com ?

http://blog.delicious.com/index.htm <----- Read it!!!!

(I don't know how truthful this is -- I have experience in the corporate world, and who the hell knows because the leaked information definitely confirmed it was being "sunsetted" but it looks like it's not going to dissapper off the face of the planet anytime soon.)


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