A Dark Day Has Come...

Dec 16, 2010 23:09

... Incidentally, I wrote my translation exam this morning. Despite my nervousness, my day wasn't made terrible by that exam, which went rather well! The 60 multiple choice/true or false/fill in the blanks ended up being harder than expected, but the essay question and ad analysis weren't anywhere near as difficult as anticipated! Anyway, we got a huge dump of snow yesterday and last night, so the roads were terrible, but I left at like 7am for my 9am exam and managed to make it with plenty of time to procrastinate studying. ;)

Anyway, I got home, studied a bit for the women's history exam I have tomorrow afternoon, then watched an episode of the Walking Dead, comfortable that my day was going well.

Then I got a message from avocado_love . Normally I love getting messages from one of my favourite fanfic authors and all-around awesome person, but today she was helpfully giving me a heads-up that one of my favourite web tools in the whole wide world, which I used innumerable times each day to collect and organize and retrieve the huge numbers of websites I visit, Delicious.com, is going to cease to exist. ;_;

Cue panic moment. Take a moment to take in the glory that is my Delicious account, nay, archive. As of writing this (and probably not much longer), I have 9,529 bookmarks, with 1918 tags. I've been using it since May 2008, and I have ceased to use "regular" bookmarks. I have no idea how to survive without tags anymore.

Here is the link that Avocado sent to me, the news article that ruined my day.

Here is a list of ways to backup your Delicious bookmarks (I've done so already, and so should you).

Here is a list of 10 alternatives to Delicious. I was debating between Diigo and Pinboard, and was favouring the latter for its close similarity to Delicious (apparently it was created by people who formerly worked for Delicious back when it was loved?), but it's a paid feature and I am a poor starving student. At the moment, I've created a Diigo account and I've imported my delicious bookmarks. We'll see how it works. Maybe it'll grow on me.

Visit me on Diigo here if you want to keep following my movements on the internet (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, MY STALKER FRIENDS...)

In conclusion: I'm sorry, Yahoo!, but I will never look at your excitable logo the same way ever again. I am overcome by an uncontrollable fury. If I had a yahoo e-mail account I would stop using it immediately. You have forever lost my business; if I can any way help it, I will avoid your company and its affiliates as much as possible. >:(

EDIT: I have also managed to sync my Delicious account with my Diigo account, so theoretically I can keep playing with Diigo while continuing to update my Delicious. Delicious could still be with us for months, I suppose, or it could disappear next week (just in time for Christmas! :P ), so I'm keeping my fingers in as many pies as possible. 

interwebs, anxiousness, say it ain't so!, fanficcery

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