I was bitten by breaking dawn...

Aug 02, 2008 20:43

That has got to be one of the cheesiest taglines I've ever run across, but the book itself is pretty cool. Before you react to the mention of the Twilight series with hissing and shrieking, I swear that it's a really good series! I maintain my position that it's nowhere near as good as Harry Potter, but the characters are strangely addicting. :)  ( ( Read more... )

spamalot, moving pictures, my thoughts - let me show you them, sparkly vampires, omgconvention!, déguisements aka コスプレ aka cosplay

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Comments 22

dayadhvam_triad August 2 2008, 23:42:00 UTC
LOLOL Twilight! XDDD I remember reading it... in 8th grade? 9th grade? I'm pretty sure it had just come out then, because the Twilight phenomenon hadn't started and I remember picking it out because I thought the cover looked cool. It's a so-so book; the author could do better with her writing style, imho. But... well, after the SPARKLY VAMPIRES, I could never really take it seriously anymore. I was dismayed at how Bella kept putting herself into dangerous scenarios so she'd hear Edward. =_= And after reading some quotes from Breaking Dawn--*giggles* I don't know if you've finished reading the book yet so I won't spoil you. But--Renesmee. XDDDDDDDDDDDD

Free stuff is ALWAYS a plus! ;)

Alas, you remind me that I need to see Monty Python and the Holy Grail in its entirety! I have never seen the movie the whole way through. >____> :/

*goes off to watch video* :DDD

Where's Animethon? In Canada? :)


beboots August 3 2008, 13:51:15 UTC
SSSHHHHH! D: I'm only on page 226/754! ;_; Must... read more... at work... D:

You really MUST go watch the Holy Grail! It's hilarious! Did you know, if you don't want to watch the movie, you can put subtitles for Shakespeare's "Henry VIII"? XD

The animethon is in Edmonton, Alberta (at Grant MacEwan College), usually held the first or second weekend of August. It's large (for Canada) - I think it's the second largest? - but positively tiny compared to the Japan Expo (which I SO want to go to again...). However, it's really awesome because the anime community is so tight in Alberta, so when I go I run into like at least fifty people I know by name. :) Plus, the venders are usually pretty awesome. Yay merchandise!


dayadhvam_triad August 4 2008, 06:51:19 UTC
Ah, I hope you finish reading it! After reading the quotes, I'm terribly curious as to what happens. XDD

I know! I still haven't watched it, it's a total travesty! D: But hahaha, I didn't know about the subtitle stuff--I'm tempted to try that out when I watch it. :P

Btw, in the video your Sai was awesome. The costume was amazing! :D And the fan! ♥

Ohhh, I see. :) It's so cool that you're so familiar with others in the anime community. :D Are you going to cosplay Sai again?


beboots August 5 2008, 20:39:08 UTC
My Sai costume took me far too long to make and is far too epic to NOT wear again. :D I'll be wearing it all three days of the Animethon. Oh, and the cool thing is, Sai is actually in the design of the animethon website! Check out the (badly drawn) banner! http://www.animethon.org/index.php You know, I would love to have a small wooden flute to complete my outfit... But unfortunately, the only wooden flutes that I can find are played vertically like a recorder. D: I could totally have had fun with it, too, because I actually play both the recorder and the orchestral flute! D: Oh, well...

...Have you watch the Holy Grail yet? Awesome, isn't it?

...And I'm still only on page 461 of Breaking Dawn! Must... keep... reading... or risk... being... spoiled...


especially August 5 2008, 01:12:51 UTC
I am very very skeptical on Twilight.

Also, jealous you got to go see Spamalot :\ I am seeing nothing worth $230 this summer if I actually want to go to Uni in the fall. So couldn't go at all.


beboots August 5 2008, 20:35:03 UTC
Actually, my tickets for Spamalot only cost me $79! And we were in the first row on the second balcony, so we had a decent view. :)

You're still skeptical regarding Twilight? Have you read them yet? I know, I was kind of like "well, I guess I'll read it if you guys like it so much", but once I got into it, well...


especially August 6 2008, 03:46:05 UTC
I'm jealous, how did you wangle that deal?

Also no I haven't read them yet, no library card & I'm not shelling out the $$ quite yet. XD


beboots August 6 2008, 04:57:42 UTC
I could lend the books to you, if you like. :)

How did I manage to get such a good deal? Er, no idea; my friend Leah bought them for me and I paid her back. She doesn't SEEM like the type to kill someone and take their tickets, but... ;)


xlirealx August 5 2008, 17:14:35 UTC
Your Sai cosplay looks so awesome in the video!! XDD
And I finished Breaking Dawn...but I won't talk about it if you haven't finished it yet. But I WILL say Garrett is awesome!! I <3 him big time!!


beboots August 5 2008, 20:28:25 UTC
Ack, Garrett? Who's Garrett? D: I'm only on page 460! Must... keep... reading...

And I loved that video! :D ...and I can't wait until the animethon. Like, three days left! :D


xlirealx August 6 2008, 18:30:45 UTC
Eeee!! I'm so excited for Animethon!! Friday is going to have a huge Lolita thing going on (cafe, fashion show, vendors, etc.) so I can't wait!!


beboots August 6 2008, 22:52:35 UTC
I second that motion! :D I can't wait! I'm going to be in costume all three days (no lolita outfit on Friday for me... D: ) Although, I may be able to persuade my friend Yan to wear it... :3


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