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Comments 22

xlirealx February 14 2008, 19:44:53 UTC
lol. Yes, ramen DOES have an abnormally high awesomeness value.

But why did Gaara get sick? Was it hinted at or will it just be mentioned in the next chapter?

Gama-chan is full of win!


beboots February 15 2008, 02:01:08 UTC
Thanks for your review! :D Yes, Gama-chan is full of win (and moneys). As for why Gaara threw up... Well, Yashamaru is still out to kill him, right? As in, he hasn't attempted his ill-fated assassination attempt yet. Remember who prepared supper...? :3


xlirealx February 15 2008, 18:33:07 UTC
Oh yeah...dude, I had a total blond moment, didn't I? lol.

Smart move, Gaara! You're so smart...even though it basically means you starve...unless you go kill something to eat when nobody is looking...I bet that would make Shukaaku a little happier! XD But seriously, poor Gaara. His childhood sucks. b._.b

(lolz I used it too!)


dayadhvam_triad March 12 2008, 20:40:16 UTC
=_= I don't get what's wrong! FFN cut out a lot of my review, and then when I tried to PM the rest to you it cut out the exact same parts! *hits FFN* So yeah, I'm just putting the entire thing here. :)


I am quite fond of gen, and your rationale is perfectly fine. :D They’ve got other things to worry about besides who’s knocking whom up. :P And anti-cliches are great! You’ve already done away with some cliches-Naruto and Gaara traveling back, for instance, and coming back when they’re at that age, and doing their best to change people’s perceptions. Quite frankly, I don’t think I’ve seen another story with that theme in the Naruto fandom as far as I know-and I’m a time-travel fic junkie, I actively search out these kinds of fics. :D

Aww, there is something very wistful about the fact that he can’t even really remember where his apartment is. And that his key is painted orange. <3 Does remind us that there’s a lot of history/events Naruto has lived through, and it must be very strange for him to get used to former!Konoha ( ... )


beboots March 12 2008, 20:55:34 UTC
Wow, thank you for your (second) massive review! :D ( ... )


dayadhvam_triad March 12 2008, 21:21:26 UTC
♥ It was a great chapter. :DDD Your Gaara is wonderful, and the Sand sib interaction makes me happy. :) So now that you say there's a scene with Gaara and Temari--I'm definitely looking forward to the next one. :D

Ahhh, I hope your writer's block goes away! :/ And essays, agh... *shudders* Good luck with those! Essays can be so painful sometimes. ♥

Chinese history, cool! When you say "China and the West," are you writing about interactions between them in the 1800s and stuff like that? Boxer Rebellion, Opium Wars, etc.? *curious*


beboots March 12 2008, 23:04:33 UTC
I'm currently working on the Temari scene, when I'm not feeling stupid because of essays. D:
"China and the West" covers everything from Marco Polo up to like, last year. We've only just covered the Boxer rebellion, which was fascinating. Now we're talking about chinese immigrants abroad, and how they were viewed. This course is actually unique to the University of Alberta, as my professor was the one who came up with it. He's Australian, and awesome. He likes assigning a lot of readings, though, which would be fine if I was only taking one of his classes, but he's assigned a lot of reading in History 290 (History as a Discipline), which is the other history course I'm taking this semester. D: In Hist.290, we have to write four papers. They're mercifully short, at least, at 1200 words apiece.
Gah, essays... D: They suck away all of my eloquence.
How about you? Are you highschool, university, independantly wealthy...?


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