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Comments 4

waxesnostalgic November 4 2012, 04:03:55 UTC
I love your Halloween costume. I was going to go historical too but I had to work on Halloween night. :)

The bat costume is awesome too, you can actually buy a pattern for it at Eva's Patterns, and she has pictures of a reproduction in her gallery. XD


beboots November 4 2012, 15:18:18 UTC
You can buy the PATTERN for this costume?? Well, now I know what I'm going as next year! :D Thanks for the link!


anyjen November 8 2012, 13:38:27 UTC
That Victorian bat costume is freaking awesopme, and so is yours. Love the "sexy" version idea. XD


beboots November 8 2012, 23:14:17 UTC
D'aww, thanks! :D I really, really want to do the Victorian bat one at some point, but I think I need to acquire better sewing skills.


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