some hearts know when to stop beating (bonnie/greta) pg13

Oct 01, 2009 14:53

title: some hearts know when to stop beating
fandom: lost
character(s)/pairing(s): bonnie/greta
rating: pg13
word count: 250
prompt: iron for femslash100's periodic table challenge (progress 20/30)
spoilers: 3.22 - through the looking glass

summary: your heart wasn’t made to be broken. strange, but true. you hear tell of loving and losing, of cleansing tears (it’s the salt, they say), of ventricles and chambers as delicate as tissue paper.

You fall.

You taste blood at the back of your throat; you know that means you’re dying. Not this second, maybe. But soon. Too soon. Yet you think of Greta lying dead a few feet from you, your own blood trail a red connect-the-dots back to her body, and maybe it’s not soon enough.


Your heart wasn’t made to be broken. Strange, but true. You hear tell of loving and losing, of cleansing tears (it’s the salt, they say), of ventricles and chambers as delicate as tissue paper.

But not you. Your heart is made of steel cylinders. Stubbornness and iron and impassivity; barbed wire, fear, fiber glass. Planned out in blue ink on grid. You were made by engineers who had no time for love. Built like the underwater hatch that’s become your coffin.

But still, you’ve come to know, there are other ways inside. Ducts and pipes; waterways and vents. Greta always had a talent for fitting inside cramped spaces, finding her way where she was needed. Finding her way home.

Finding her way to you.


She’s cold.


You met in a hurricane. She’d shook you hand like she was soldier in war with no time for pleasantries.

You’d loved her, even then, and it’s strange how these things come to you at the most inopportune moments.


You lay your head back against the cool cement, just to rest your eyes. You think, just for a moment. Get my bearings.

And you keep falling.

lost fic: character: bonnie, challenge: periodic table, lost fic: character: greta, lost fic: pairing: bonnie/greta, !fic: all fandoms, !fic: lost

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