streamers and gauze (kate/claire) pg

Aug 02, 2009 13:59

title: streamers and gauze
fandom: lost
character(s)/pairing(s): kate/claire
rating: pg
word count: 241
prompt: helium for femslash100's periodic table challenge (progress 15/30)
spoilers: slight for s4.

summary: aaron's two mothers celebrate a landmark.

A forgotten blue balloon floats up, bobbing against the ceiling before settling there, trapped. Claire scurries around the living room, refilling snack bowls and attending to the small children occupying their home.

“Billy, mommy said forks aren’t weapons. Put it down. No, no stabbing mommy,” a voice chides somewhere to her left, and Kate holds in a giggle.

Kate doesn’t do birthday parties. She can’t stand the other overprotective moms. She hates making small talk about tupperware. But she observes, awed, as Claire chats, easily feigning interest. As she hands out paper plates. Bakes birthday cakes. Drives Aaron to soccer practice. She was born for this.

“Hey,” Claire nudges gently, offering her a radiant smile. “We’re getting ready to do presents.” Kate nods.

And it isn’t until Aaron’s face lights up at the menagerie of battle equipment Kate had specifically chosen because she knew about things like that, at the war paint in army-accurate shades, and when he shows all his friends that he can climb the highest tree in their backyard because she taught him how, that she remembers Claire isn’t the only mom in this house with something to offer.

They stand back from the glow of the candles on his birthday cake, hands interlinked, sharing in the ten year milestone. Because he isn’t just Claire’s, genetically, or Kate’s, by law, but theirs.

Claire gives her a quick peck on the lips as the room flickers into smoky darkness.

lost fic: character: kate, challenge: periodic table, !fic: all fandoms, lost fic: pairing: claire/kate, lost fic: character: claire, !fic: lost

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