Title: Twenty-Three Lives Kate Never Led
Fandom: LOST
Pairing/Characters: Kate (Kate/Jack, Kate/Sawyer, Kate/Juliet, Kate/Sun, Kate/Cass, Kate/Tom, Kate/Edward Mars [the Marshall], Kate/Kevin)
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 2974
Spoilers: Nothing past S3.
Summary: The title pretty much explains it. All AU, obviously. I do have to warn you that Kate dies a few
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Comments 9
Also, this:
She becomes a fighter pilot after two years in the service and she feels more alive there than anywhere else, zipping through the sky and leaving everything behind.
has led me to believe that Kate and Kara Thrace would be bffs if Kate was on Galactica, being an awesome Viper pilot team while Jack and Lee go tend to their emo. Preferably together.
You know, it's so funny you would say that, because I was reading over this right before I posted it, and it was the first time I had since I started watching BSG, and I had the exact. same. thought. I tell ya, great minds... And now I also want to write a crossover.
...I fully support this idea.
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