
Oct 12, 2009 09:49

Blec, I feel like crap >_> Combination of sinuses, possiblity of getting a cold (just a reg one, not the swine flu >P), and having to be at work. It might mostly be the 3rd one though, heh. I wanna be home and play my DS. That would make me feel much better ^^ But I need munnies, so I must work *envies those who don't ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

amikia October 12 2009, 21:42:16 UTC
Aw, that sucks. =-( Look at the bright side--at least your work doesn't involve you being in a -10 degree freezer when you're sick. ;-)


beautyrose October 12 2009, 21:47:12 UTC
O_O Don't tell me that's what you're suffering through???

I suppose that makes me a bit lucky then. Heh, I couldn't handle it if it were that temp or 100+ degrees :P I need perfect weather xD


amikia October 12 2009, 22:08:35 UTC
LOL, yeah if I'm not in the ice cream/meat freezer then I'm in the meat cooler, and it's not much better at 20 degrees. =P Or I get stuck in the deli at the fryer and sweating, lol, I just can't win! =-P

Perfect weather would be nice...let me know when you find it! ;-)


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