
Apr 15, 2007 23:11

Whoa, it's been a while since I posted in my journal O_o;; But anyway! I finally graduated Remington College!!!! *throws confetti* Those two long years have paid off *grin*

I graduated with Highest Honors and an Associates Degree in Computer Networking Technology. My official graduation date is April 12th, 2007 and my Graduation Ceremony will be ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

arikia April 16 2007, 14:32:42 UTC
There you are, hon. I have been wondering where you've been. [mucho hugs] And, congrats!! I'm so proud of your accomplishment! Will there be pictures? :D [hugs again]


beautyrose April 16 2007, 16:47:08 UTC
Heh, yeah, between school, work, and sleeping I have no time for anything else xP
Thanks :) I'll probably post the pics I get taken for graduation. But I don't know when that'll be xD Sometime before October, I know that.


timonaholic April 17 2007, 20:59:10 UTC
Oh, wow! Congratulations Britt! Well done! :) And yey to money! XD


beautyrose April 23 2007, 01:14:50 UTC
Thanks! :D And definitely yey to the money *_*


sainttweeter April 20 2007, 20:12:09 UTC
Congratulationses! It shall be odd not seeing you around the place.


beautyrose April 23 2007, 01:15:11 UTC
Yeah, I still haven't gotten used to it xD


Congratulations! iriade November 24 2007, 11:50:14 UTC

I've found you and I decided to take a look. Go to my Lj if you want, I've added you to my friends ;)



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