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Comments 3

maniac_aly September 18 2006, 02:22:34 UTC
Hi! I noticed that you have several House icons, so I was wondering if you could help me out. I co-mod this icon awarding community, and we're trying to get it off the ground. We're currently in our second session, which features House. Only two people have made nominations (the mods), so I was wondering if you could help us out and maybe make some nominations? I would greatly, greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. :) Oh! *headdesk* The community is aimless_awards. Thank you, thank you!



beautyrose September 18 2006, 03:31:19 UTC
Sure thing ^^ I'll start looking right now :) (Note: This will be a piece of cake since House in one of my fave shows right now xD)


maniac_aly September 18 2006, 12:30:14 UTC
Oh, thank you mucho. :)


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