Without much further ado
Every episode needs to start with a burst of funky music to wake you up and no, I'm not sure if I'm being sarcastic or sincere here
Oh! That's the woman who plays Tara's mum in 'True Blood' *pauses the episode so I can IMDB her* Adina Porter! Heh!
Is it bad I automatically think the guy with a gun is a cop? I think I have screwed up stereotypes, but he looks like a nice guy and it is the kind of smile a cop gives to a kid.
Oh, I'm not liking where this is going. I hate race episodes. I'm not the most PC person but I live on the internet, the only colour I'm aware of is font and background colour.
CREDITS!!! And Greg's grin still makes me grin :-)
Woot, Catherine! And Greg looks so mature, I do miss fun!Greg.
OMG! The credits have said Enrique Murciano!!! I have such a crush on Enrique. I hope he's not a baddie. Oooh, if he's a reoccuring character can I do a crossover and pair him with Danny Messer from CSI: NY? (I've been forbidden from writing Danny Taylor- Enrique's character from Without a Trace- slash Danny Messer because the names get confusing)
I'm mentally skipping any scenes where Nick works with Ray. I feel like the show is pairing them alot and it's freaking me out.
Okay, the fact that Tara's mum wants to speak to Ray is kinda racist. I'd be happy to be interviewed by Greg but then again I do have my own personal preferences ;-) Tara's mum is scarily good at evil eye, poor Greg.
I don't like guns, not really. They're great for posing and writing but the reality of them makes me cry!
Oh, Sara. And a mention of 'Dr. Grissom'. So she just disappeared to Paris for one week? I'm envious. It's a little confusing. She's not a full time cast member but I have no idea if she'll be in the next episode or if she'll vanish or for how long.
ugh, have I mentioned how much I hate race episodes?
I also hate the fact that I can't remember the white cop's name so I will refer to him as 'white cop'. Hmm, I wonder if I'm racist. I do think Gary Sinise is scarily white, it's creepy. He's a good actor though, so that's okay.
Aww! Greg being Catherine's lackey! So sweet.
Is it me or is Nick picking up on Sara's annoying speech pattern of everything sounding like a question?
Awww! I love the way Greg says Coup de Grace, pronouncing the 'c'. *pets him*
Oh! I'm so glad to hear about that study about a cop's instincts being stronger than racial preferences.
Squee! Enrique. Oh, poor kid. Aw, but Enrique's character talking about his mom. I do so love Enrique.
Argh! Poor kid!
Lol, more funky music. Different kind though.
*la, la* ignoring Nick and Ray (as much I don't like ignoring Nicky)
Oh! Moreno. Enrique's name is Moreno!
And the white cop's name is Danny! I'll still call him white cop though because I kinda don't like him and Danny is reserved for characters I like (like Danny Taylor and Danny Messer) and also my flatmate for three years is called Dan. I miss him :.-(
Squee! Enrique! Aww, the whole "pretty cool, showing you guys something new" Have I mentioned how much I love Enrique? So sweet and passionate. *hugs him*
lol at Hodge's "Bear with me, wise one." at Ray.
Woot for Greg! And it took me an embarassingly long time to realise jelly means JAM! *huggles Greg* he's so sweet with that kid, even when the mom is giving him the stink-eye.
Oh! When Jim Brass shot I cop I cried like a baby then called my mom! I remember that storyline and it tore me to pieces, the way we thought it was Sophia? How she was so cut up. That was so well-written.
Oh, dead man walking. I know that look in his eye. I was right but I've clearly been watching CSI:NY, I thought's he'd jump but it is a car park and the gun does make more sense and have I said how I hate guns?
Squee! Enrique being brooding and awesome and *guh* speaking Spanish! and manhandling a suspect. I am a bit worried that I can watch a guy shoot himself then squee over Enrique in the next scene but lol! "If there's a bullet in his ass, his ass is evidence" Best line of the episode!!!
The gore does not disturb me
Grr. I guess Nick's "Yes, sir" to Ray is in character but Ray is a level below him. *sigh*
Wait? Are we supposed to feel sorry for the white cop because he was going blind? I don't get it! Are they trying to suggest there is no bad guy? Because I don't care if the white cop was a better shot because of his eye condition, he still was not fit to be on patrol. If you're carrying a gun you can't be ashamed or too proud to admit an illness like that. He had a responsibility. What if there was a kid next to the black cop? with such tunnel vision the white cop wouldn't have seen the kid!
I feel the end was designed to make us feel pity for the white cop but the ending makes me rather angry because while I don't think the white cop was 'the bad guy' he still made a lot of mistakes. He was in no position to be on patrol with a gun, even if his illness caused targets to be more focussed. Also, I think the suicide is pissing me off too because I know Jim stated several times the guy had a wife, did he stop to think what harm and pain his death would cause her? And even though he was going blind and had killed a cop in the line of duty he still had a life worth living and he could have tried to speak with the dead cop's father.
*takes deep breath*
Apart from the guns and the whole race issue and the ending... overall I thought it was an okay episode. Mostly because I love Enrique Murciano *that much* but the writing wasn't that bad (apart from the ending). Hmm, I wonder since Enrique's the new detective, I wonder if they'll bother bringing Vartann (Alex Carter) back. I hope so, I liked him. Also, Vartann/Moreno would be, like, superhot!
I need superficial to get me over this episode.