Title: BB The Camera
Chapter 4: Sexy Beast
Pairing: Catherine/Vincent
Genre: AU/Ship
Rating: R
Warning: Language and Sexual Suggestions
Spoiler Alert: S1 E9
Summary: Catherine finally gets her photo and her Sexy Beast.
A/N: Oh thank gawd. I never thought I would get to the point where they kiss. LOL! I know. I know. It is my fic, so I
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Comments 4
And yes, I checked what Mass Effect was, sounds cool.
I love when Cat kick ass, so could I expect Evan to suffer a little? Come on, just a little, Violet? lol
They will dance in the Christmas party, right? /missing your daily teasings/
"They started swaying as if music were playing. And it was, but it was not the kind of music you hear with your ears. It was the kind of melody you sense with your heart. Their heart songs were now perfectly in tune with each others. One completed the other’s song as they twined together underneath the foliage." I always pictured characters doing that, I think is beautiful and very romantic.
"The soft press and the light caress of breath was a dizzying spell that bound them together." I love how you always put a little of magic.
"Now here with Vincent, she gave her trust to him freely knowing he was not perfect, but she truly believed he was perfect for her." This. is. so. romantic.
Because that means next chapter I can be very pervy!!! Hehehheehehehheee
I will try to get another page written tomorrow. :)
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