Name: Chelsea
Age: 16
Geographical Location: California
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Junior Camp Counselor. (Aw, how cute...?)
Biggest Turn On: Intellectualism
Biggest Turn Off: Unattractive feet
Who is the Supreme Overlord of the Universe? Melinda/autumnleaf
What would make you want to slap someone? Meeting some of your past rejected applicants...
Any interesting hidden talents? (Like something unique & interesting) Ability to go months at a time without shaving my legs. Does that make me wrong for this community? Crap.
Link us directly to your promotion (not just the community name. If you advertise in a community that doesn't allow it, you will be automatically rejected and banned): did you hear about us (please put the individual's LJ handle or the word you searched for to find us)?: I have this tendency to browse and giggle at rating communities for fun, and this was just one of the ones I stumbled clue what I searched for.
Make us laugh (picture or text):
My favorite statue downtown--a serpant that resembles an enormous steaming pile of...well, you know.
Show us your concept of Beauty: (provide ONE image of a face and ONE image of an object, design, painting, photograph, etc. that you find visually attractive)
More In Depth...
Describe the worst nightmare &/or best dream you've ever had: I was six, and I dreamt that one of my father's more sketchy friends came over, dragged my entire family outside, lined us up in front of the garage, and shot us execution style, saving me for last so I could watch everyone else die. I remember it to this day.
What do you like the most about humanity? I'm a big people-watcher, so of course, one of the things I love most about humans is their ability to distinguish themselves--though not everyone takes the opportunity to be an individual, the ones that do tend to have amazing stories to tell.
What would you add to the water supply to improve humans? A small amount of some sort of pathogen--we get sick too easily, and I think life would be so much more fun if we all had stronger immune systems.
Tell us a story (make it interesting): Once upon a time, my cat was a tiny, mischevious kitten who had the tendency to bite a little bit too hard in his playfulness. I decided to remedy this, and the next time he thought that my hand looked like dinner, I shoved his tail in his mouth instead. He chomped, whined, and learned very, very quickly. The end.
Illustrate the subject of your choice in MS Paint.
I know how to do the running man.
The Community
What other rating communities have you applied to before you came here? None, I'm new to this.
Explain to us in amusing detail the best reason[s] for rejecting this application. You'll obviously reject me because of my hairy legs, and maybe my pointy, uneven bangs, which cause me to look like batman, which is undoubtedly less than flattering. And now, you'll probably read this, and reject me based on the overusage of the word "which". Additionally, I often mix-up "nit-picking" with "witty criticism." I'm just glad you guys can't throw things at me or anything.
If you were allowed a threesome opportunity with any two Stamped Members, who would you choose and why? Aquilinium and laotzu, because of attractiveness, and because this would seemingly be a random opportunity, attractiveness is all that really matters (go away, real world, we can talk about this later.)
What two members do you wish would contract the black death? Please judge their applications. Your comments should be made here, not on their original application. Make sure you tell us who you're judging. (hint: this is your chance to show us your stuff.)
madmouth-She caught my eye as the least attractive on the member page, but I could not see her pictures through her application, therefore, that should be taken with a grain of salt. My main reason though, is that, based on her application, she appears to have the personality of a 2-by-4...perhaps a brainy 2-by-4, but intelligence is only a small part of the big "character" picture.
rambleonanon-The first thing that bugged me, was the relationship status--"A boy stole my heart, and refuses to give it back." I'm sure we're all guilty of using cliches, but that doesn't make it any less bothersome. She then went on to misspell "intellect," which I find incredibly humorous. That's just one of those words that you should double check that you're spelling/using correctly before doing so. Finally, I don't find her pictures flattering--they either appear awkwardly posed, or the lighting seems bad...and I'm not the queen of great hair colors or anything, but I know that, and thus feel okay saying that the fried reddish color is awful.
Have you read and understood the consequences for breaking the rules?
What question do you feel should be on this application? Why? Now answer the question.
I'm going to cop out and say "What are a few of your main interests?" because, as standard as that question is, it really does tell a lot about a person. I am very interested in psychology, photography (especially of the industrial variety), and music.
At least three clear face shots- this means face forward, no high contrast. Ten picture maximum: one must be a candid shot, another a salute.
I am obviously not my grandma.
Yes, I wear obnoxiously large sunglasses on occasion.
Candid...I look like a mouse.