Name: Jesse.
Age: 19, soon to be 20.
Geographical Location: Minnesota.. :(
Sexual Orientation: Straight.
Relationship Status: Taken for almost 3 years<3
Biggest Turn On: Confidence & a great sense of humor.
Biggest Turn Off: Bad teeth.. ish.
Who is the Supreme Overlord of the Universe? Tessa. :)
What would make you want to slap someone? People that argue just for the sake of arguing. People that state their opinions like it's fact.
Any interesting hidden talents? (Like something unique & interesting) It's not necessarily a talent, but I was born with 3 kidneys.. that's pretty damn unique.
Link us directly to your promotion (not just the community name. If you advertise in a community that doesn't allow it, you will be automatically rejected and banned): How did you hear about us (please put the individual's LJ handle or the word you searched for to find us)?: Some girl trolling in a community I'm in.. her name was Nina, that's all I remember.
Make us laugh (picture or text): This is hilarious, and you're just dumb if this doesn't make you at least crack a smile.
Show us your concept of Beauty: (provide ONE image of a face and ONE image of an object, design, painting, photograph, etc. that you find visually attractive)
My boyfriend Jake is honestly the most beautiful person I've ever met.
I LOVE diamonds.
More In Depth...
Describe the worst nightmare &/or best dream you've ever had: Haha this is going to sound silly to you, but it was the worst nightmare I'd ever had. In the dream, me and Jake were moving out of our apartment and into our new house, and while he was packing he was telling me he didn't love me anymore, and hadn't for quite some time, and that he had paid the mortgage for me to live in the house by myself, and he was moving to Baltimore, Maryland with his new girlfriend..
Yeah, childish, but I woke up BAWLING.
What do you like the most about humanity? Our ability to laugh. I love laughing, it's the best feeling in the world, and I think everyone would be a lot happier if they laughed a little more.
What would you add to the water supply to improve humans? Tolerance & acceptance. Humans don't have nearly enough of either.
Tell us a story (make it interesting): There once was a man from Nantucket.. No, I'm kidding.
About a year ago, I had a kidney infection, but the doctor's just kept telling me it was a bladder infection. I went on for about 3 months with a terrible kidney infection, I could barely walk, couldn't sleep, etc. but was still being told it was just a bladder infection and that it would go away. My left kidney had shut down, I was put on dialysis. I underwent surgery, to find that I had 3 kidneys.. two on my left side, one on my right. After about 20 infections in the past year, one on my left side is no longer working, and the other on my left side works only about %33. It still hurts like a bitch daily, from all the scar tissue. That's not really that interesting, but I tried.
Illustrate the subject of your choice in MS Paint. I actually don't have MS paint, haha. Not kidding.
The Community
What other rating communities have you applied to before you came here?
tinyrockets, quite a few.
Explain to us in amusing detail the best reason[s] for rejecting this application. I have a feeling I'm going to be.. while I think I'm incredibly attractive, I don't really think I am your type, however, I'm not incredibly stupid like the last two applicants you've had, so I've got some sort of a shot.
If you were allowed a threesome opportunity with any two Stamped Members, who would you choose and why?
physicalll &
closedcurtains. Agnes-Juliette has amazing style and beautiful lips,
closedcurtains is just outright beautiful.
What two members do you wish would contract the black death? Please judge their applications. Your comments should be made here, not on their original application. Make sure you tell us who you're judging. (hint: this is your chance to show us your stuff.)
facethemasses. I hate her piercings, and I don't find her attractive whatsoever. Her application was also really boring to me.
retrovertigo_x Dying your hair 18 million different colors is not attractive in the least, and she really needs to learn how to do her makeup. Sorry. =\
Have you read and understood the consequences for breaking the rules? For sure.
Hahaha.. ha.
What question do you feel should be on this application? Why? Now answer the question.
Why do you feel you are beautiful?
I've got enough confidence to last me three lifetimes, I'm very accepting and I've got a really kind heart.
At least three clear face shots- this means face forward, no high contrast. Ten picture maximum: one must be a candid shot, another a salute.
-No photoshop, no makeup.
-Haha I will make a new one at some point in time, I hope you don't use this on the member's page haha.