Geographical Location:
Vancouver BC.
Sexual Orientation:
Relationship Status:
Biggest Turn On:
Geeks. ^_^
Biggest Turn Off:
Who is the Supreme Overlord of the Universe?
What would make you want to slap someone?
Obnoxious bigotry
Any interesting hidden talents? (Like something unique & interesting)
Link us directly to your promotion (not just the community name. If you advertise in a community that doesn't allow it, you will be automatically rejected and banned): did you hear about us (please put the individual's LJ handle or the word you searched for to find us)?:
Make us laugh (picture or text):
I made these. My sister wants me to do a spock/willow one too.
Show us your concept of Beauty: (provide ONE image of a face and ONE image of an object, design, painting, photograph, etc. that you find visually attractive)
More In Depth...
If it rained music, what would grow?
Chihuly sculptures, of course.
Describe the worst nightmare &/or best dream you've ever had:
I dreamed that Molly Ringwald assassinated Dubya in a parking garage. She had a gun strapped to her leg under her skirt and she took it out and shot him through his car window. She was being paid by someone, but no one was sure who. Everyone kept saying "Did you hear about Molly Ringwald and the president?!...Oh no! Now Dick Cheney is president!" 'cause it was all over the news.
I was really sad when I woke up.
What do you like the most about humanity?
This poem sums it up.
Read it here if the mp3 is giving you a hard time.
What would you add to the water supply to improve humans?
MIDI DISCO! Don't ask me how you could get it into the water, but if you could, humanity would be a lot better off.
Tell us a story (make it interesting):
Ikea is a wonderful place.
There is SO much one can do in an Ikea
so many places, people and props to use!
At one point we went to the Ikea roughly twice a week.
My sister and I frolicked for hours while my mom shopped.
We'd fill out the shopping list forms with random items (rocket ships, fairy dust, apples) and put them back in the pile, steal the little pencils, hide behind the hanging carpet displays, cartwheel down isles, flicker lamps on and off, put artist's dummies in compromising positions, time-warp in the restaurant, crash into people.. etc. etc. etc.
Being fourteen (me) and ten (her) at the time.. we got some pretty odd looks.
We'd put her in a cart and wheel her around. Once we covered her in sheepskins and walked around while she bleated.
Another time we put a lampshade on her head.
But the most incredibly gloriously brilliant thing we ever did was the troll:
We filled a cart with sheepskins and blankets and pillows and hid her in it; scattering a few cd holders, lampshades and toys on top to make it look less conspicuous.
After insuring she could breathe, we found a troll doll, the one with long wispy green hair and a little flower dress.
My sister would stick her hand up the back of the trolls dress, and make him (we were sure it was a boy despite the dress) wildly flail about as we marched around the store.. sometimes he'd wave to other shoppers, sometimes dance merrily to the music on the PA.
Old chinese women jabbered to each other and pointed, babies grinned at us, small children stared in amazement, eyes wide with awe. Staff laughed and joked to us (having seen us running around earlier. Several people asked me mystified: how I was doing it? if it was a string? Was it a halloween toy run on batteries?
Some people were delighted and others obviously rather frightened. All were severely shaken.
The Community
What other rating communities have you applied to before you came here?
__inner_beauty Assuming you're rejected, will you sass us? If by "sass" you mean "watch" and by "us" you mean "battlestar galactica" then the answer is YES!
If you were allowed a threesome opportunity with any two Stamped Members, who would you choose and why?
bondage_siren because super-cute candy floss hair ginormous eyes = sexable and
_hopenparentals because I always want to hump funny people. Humor is teh sexy. I know that Shannon isn't into the colourful hair thing, but that's okay, because hate!sex is hot, and she'd come around eventually anyways. It would be an awesome threesome and we'd fall in love with each other and move into a little house covered in wisteria and upholster the floors, and be very dry and witty and blow bubbles and drink tea.
What two members do you wish would contract the black death? Please judge their applications. Your comments should be made here, not on their original application. Make sure you tell us who you're judging. (hint: this is your chance to show us your stuff.)
plainoljaneNow I should watch what I say, since we live in the same city, but let me tell you: I was not impressed by your application. You start off with obnoxious braggadocio about your sex skills followed by offensive fat jokes which smack of hidden insecurities. I find myself wondering if you do not suffer from some kind of disordered eating. I find your taste in art utterly tacky and strange, and your non-modeling photos make you look like a barely pubescent boy. Your catty, cynical out-look matches perfectly with your statement "Candids are hard for me because I am drunk in 90% of them". Plus, your sample "votes" were shockingly feeble. Why bother to apply if you're not going to spend more than five minutes on the application?
ocean_of_wisdomYou constantly insult yourself throughout your application. This bothers me significantly. It is one thing to be modest and poke fun at yourself, but there doesn't seem to be any humor in it. It seems to be more of a preventative measure, blocking any critique that might be thrown at you. It gives the entire application an air of contrivance. Unrelatedly, your description of wet socks is utterly nonsensical. Also, your grammar tends toward the utterly appalling. "I've never wore make-up." /shudders
Have you read and understood the consequences for breaking the rules?
What question do you feel should be on this application? Why? Now answer the question.
Draw yourself in paint. I know it's not a question, but it's interesting to see how people see themselves. Plus, paint is a funny little program which makes people crazy.
At least three clear face shots- this means face forward, no high contrast. Ten picture maximum: one must be a candid shot, another a salute.
Shakespeare camp pwns you.
after zombie walk
Nina is scary.
PS. My journal is friends only. If you want to stalk me have a look, just ask and I'll add you.