
Feb 14, 2012 14:38

"Moshi moshi! You've reach Aino Minako! I'm off being awesome somewhere, so leave a message!"



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spin_kick_snap April 14 2017, 18:25:15 UTC
Kathy had spent today going through some of her belongings that Ringo had packed away from her dorm. Not surprisingly, a lot of the stuff she'd found had involved Minako: pictures taken, notes passed, little toys and souvenirs. The detritus of friendship, one could say.

Not that Kathy had been a great friend to her in the end. And that had happened before she'd turned out to be not a great friend to everybody.

She'd gone back and forth about calling Minako for an hour before finally pressing the icon under her contacts list. And nearly hung up before it could start to ring, but forced herself to keep going, even as her breathing kicked into overdrive.

By the time Minako answered, she might end up hyperventilating. But at least she was still there.

[For SP because work is eating my soul]


beautifulsenshi April 14 2017, 20:54:48 UTC
Minako... wasn't exactly paying attention when her phone rang, and just picked it up without looking at the number. "Spaaaaaaarkle," she whined, because, well, who else was going to be calling this number? "Is your portal here yet? I'm at the Perk if you want to come join me."


spin_kick_snap April 14 2017, 21:04:17 UTC
Hearing Minako's voice sent all the words Kathy had been practicing right out of her head. She hadn't even registered that Minako was on the island yet. "...Hi," she said, voice cracking.


beautifulsenshi April 14 2017, 21:11:02 UTC
Was that a girl's voice? Minako frowned slightly. "Ano, moshi moshi?" She tried. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you very well."


spin_kick_snap April 14 2017, 22:02:31 UTC
Kathy cleared her throat and tried again. "Hi, Minako," she said, voice low but unmistakeably hers. "I...I..." Yeah, this was going stellar. "I practiced this, you know. So I could maybe not do...This."


beautifulsenshi April 15 2017, 06:10:38 UTC
There was a pause, then; "This isn't funny," Minako said flatly. "--and it's not April Fool. Who is this?"

She wasn't going to let herself hope. She couldn't. Because if she did and this was another island prank, she'd lose it.


spin_kick_snap April 15 2017, 07:48:30 UTC
"Uhh, it's, umm, me," Kathy said. "Kathy."

Saying that was harder than she'd expected it to be. "I'm here. Back on the island. Magic and wishing and...stuff."

You know, giant demons living in little girls' heads, that kind of stuff. The regular.

"Figured I'd call you. Umm, and let you know. That." She was doing great with the full sentences here.


beautifulsenshi April 15 2017, 15:53:03 UTC
"...That's not a thing." People didn't just come back to life because of magic and wishing Usagi hadn't leveled up yet. "Dead people don't just...wake up because you want them to."


spin_kick_snap April 15 2017, 20:19:40 UTC
"It's a thing on Fandom," Kathy said softly. "Or, rather, it's a thing when someone on Fandom has enough magic to make it happen."

At least she didn't have total amnesia from wishing to be a normal girl at the same time?


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