Okay, so it's not THE epic masterlist, but it's a 'verse masterlist, so I'll take what I can get.
Important note: I need to fix all the links in the actual fic posts, so if you want to read through the 'verse you'll temporarily have to come back to the main 'verse page. No webs at home will make this a slow process (I'm giving all my fic posts an overhaul to make them uniform and easy to read) so please be patient with me while I sort all this out. Thank you, and happy reading!
'Verse: Better than Just Stories
'Verse-wide notes: All fics have the following, unless stated otherwise.
Ship pairing: Donna/Shaun
Friendship pairings: Wilf/Doctor (10), Donna/Doctor (10, 11), Shaun/Doctor (11), Alex (OC)/Doctor (11)
Rating: G, possibly PG for canonical plot devices (mind wipe)
Warnings/Safeties: No graphic sex, no violence, mild swearing but nothing you wouldn’t hear on the show, no character death, no action beyond what you’d see in the show
Spoilers: If you haven’t seen the End of Time, you will probably be very confused.
And now onto the actual fics! As I post stories I will attempt to update this list so it's clear what order events occur in and such. Enjoy!
A Bit More ObviousCharacters: Donna, Shaun, canonical extra
Summary: Donna wasn’t sure when she knew, exactly.
Word Count: ~450
Prompt: Written for Travellers’ Tales prompt #10 (obvious) at
doctor_donna Timey Wimey Factor: Leading up to the café scene in the End of Time, Part One
Stretch the DefinitionCharacters: Donna, Shaun, Wilf, Sylvia
Summary: This was supposed to be one of those perfect moments, and he was being all serious and ruining it for her.
Word Count: ~1,200
Prompt: Written for Weekly Drabble Challenge #30 (succulent) at
doctor_donna Timey Wimey Factor: Set when Wilf returns home in the End of Time, Part Two
Not What I ExpectedCharacters: Donna, Shaun, Sylvia, Wilf (and his mouth)
Summary: Reactions to Donna's announcement aren't quite what she thought they would be.
Word Count: ~1,500
Prompt: Written for Travellers’ Tales Prompt #24 (assume) at
doctor_donnaTimey Wimey Factor: Directly continues
Stretch the Definition (to the point where I repeat a line of dialogue)
Deserve Something NicerCharacters: Donna, Sylvia, mention of Shaun and Nerys
Summary: White, in general, was a mistake.
Word Count: ~300
Prompt: Written for Travellers’ Tales prompt #2 (traditional) at
doctor_donna Timey Wimey Factor: Set right before the church bit in the End of Time, Part Two
Never the Same, but BrilliantCharacters: The Doctor (10), Wilf, Donna, OC
Summary: The Doctor sees the future.
Word Count: ~500
Prompt: Written for Travellers’ Tales prompt #29 (future) at
doctor_donnaTimey Wimey Factor: Set during Donna’s little “goodbye” section of EoT.
Good Thing We’re PackingCharacters: Donna, Shaun, Alex (OC)
Summary: Donna finds one last wedding present while packing.
Word Count: ~1,200
Prompt/Notes: Written for Travellers’ Tales Prompt #7 (gather) at
doctor_donnaTimey Wimey Factor: Set two or three months after
Deserve Something Nicer and
Never the Same but Brilliant.
Lots of People Have Imaginary FriendsCharacters: Donna, Shaun, Alex (OC), brief appearance by the Doctor (11)
Summary: Alex is sick and slips about her new best friend.
Rating: G
Word Count: ~2,700
Prompt: Written for Travellers’ Tales prompt #6 (fever) at
doctor_donnaTimey Wimey Factor: Set three years or so after
Good Thing We're Packing (and in an non-specific place in the Doctor's timeline)
Better than Just StoriesCharacters: Donna, Alex (OC), Shaun, the Doctor (11), Sam (OC)
Summary: “You have to know those things aren’t real, baby.”
Word Count: ~4,000
Prompt: Written for Weekly Drabble Challenge #20 (perfect) at
doctor_donna Timey Wimey Factor: Set five or six years after
Good Thing We're Packing Must Be DreamingCharacters: Alex, the Doctor (11), Donna, Sam (OC), Shaun
Summary: She’d heard the TARDIS in her dreams before.
Word Count: ~600
Prompt: Written for Weekly Drabble Challenge #50 (secret) at
doctor_donna Timey Wimey Factor: Set immediately after
Better than Just Stories AmateurCharacters: The Doctor (11), Alex (OC)
Summary: Alex is introduced to the TARDIS.
Word Count: ~500
Prompt: Written for Travellers’ Tales Prompt #9 (amateur) at
doctor_donnaTimey Wimey Factor: Set immediately after
Must Be Dreaming