Your Mother Should Know

Jun 17, 2010 22:58

Title: Your Mother Should Know; Part-(4/??)
Author(s): SirSchlongo
Pairing: John/Paul
Rating: PG-13
Timeframe: 1957-58'
Word count: 2,030
Summary: Paul gets a job so he can support himself more stably, working the paper-route was never his ideal job, but one boy from his route has seemingly caught his attention.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Beatles. )':

Prolouge Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three

A/N: So this takes place two months after they first met, big jump I know, but it will hurry up the process. I hope this chapter isn't bad, I seriously wrote it in ten minutes.

“Okay Macca, ‘ow about this one, bet you don’ know it.”

Paul looked up at the ceiling listening carefully to the small radio John had brought from his house, “Easy! Buddy Holly’s song - Everyday, it’s my turn next okay.” They had been at it for hours now, just tuning into a late night station playing some songs that they both really knew well while quizzing each other trying to see who could outdo the other one. Sadly for John though, Paul was in the lead.

“Fine, pass me another one of those things that your dad gave us before he went to bed.”

“It’s called a scone John,” Paul passed him another one, this being John’s fourth one so far, “you eat like you’ve never had one before or something.”

“Of course not deary-I’m just a poor ickle popper, without any food or money, please don’t be mad at me for never having a delectable thingy” John said in a childish tone while making the most contorted face ever. Paul laughed quietly at his antics then lightly pressed a finger to his own lips in a shushing librarian position, “Oh be quiet you, don’t want to wake up my father do you? And it’s called a scone, stop calling it a thingy!”

John just stuck out his tongue at Paul then quickly took a bite of the scone. The room fell silent for a second; only noises to be heard was the chewing noises from John, the radio, and the wall clock Paul had mounted right above his headboard. Paul was just staring blankly at John’s face, and John well knew that he was spacing out again. Probably thinking about some bird again, but John felt mischievous tonight. The emotion was boiling up inside of him, and his first act on it was sticking out his tongue exposing the rather large, moist chewed up scone in Paul’s direction.

It took time for Paul to register what he was doing, and when he finally did he just covered his face and made a noise of disgust, “Ewww! John why do you have to be so damn gross, didn’t your mother ever teach you manners.” John just ignored his comment and got closer to Paul with the half sticking out scone, he closed his mouth to talk though, “Isn’t it beautiful art Macca, see, Ahh-” He stuck out the disgusting mound again, and this time Paul pushed him away.

“I swear John! If you had gotten any of that on me, I’d probably do something bad to you.”

“Oh? Like what?”

“Like this.” With that Paul grabbed a scone off the plate and shoved it right into John’s hair, “Care for another example?”

“You little twat, thanks a lot you got that crumbly shit all over my hair now.” John’s reaction to Paul’s action was quite surprising to Paul though, he just began picking the crumbs out of his hair not even attempting to get revenge. “Well aren’t you going to seek revenge or not?” He questioned John who was still nit-picking his upright locks.

“Well…now that you mentioned it.” John picked up the plate with the four remaining scones on it and got up from the floor where he and Paul had been sitting for the last few hours and walked over to his bed, pulled back his covers and just stood there for a second just grinning ear to ear at Paul.

“John… what are you doing….” Before an explanation was made John took all the scones and smashed them all over his bed sheets, leaving large piles of smashed up scones all over. When it was all happening, all that Paul could do was just sit there in astonishment; his mouth hung wide open and his eyes popping out of their sockets.

“Jo-John!” He yelled as he flew to the older boy’s side knocking John hard into the wall, his head making a loud thud as it hit. He looked at the mess on his bed, Paul pulled at his hair while having a stressed scream escape his lips.

“Jesus Macca take it easy! It was just a fucking joke.” John said while steadying himself from the contact his head had made with the wall, “Fuck, you didn’t have to fucking kill me ‘ead in the process of your little break down over some crumbs, fuck I’ll clean it up for god’s sake.”

“You better fucking clean this up!” Paul yelled as he pushed John against the wall again, pinning him back as he was inches away. This only made John angry. “My da’ will murder me if he sees this mess ya know! He’s really strict, I don’t know what kind of things you’re allowed to do at home, but this is my house you hear me.” Paul shoved John against the wall again and again making his point clear in a forceful manner.

John shoved back at Paul, “Fuck you; maybe I won’t clean in now, Macca you don’t have to make a big deal over this okay its fine. Just a small mess, let it go!”
Paul let loose with his deathly pin that he had John in. John was ready to see this monsters face, all contorted and angry, but when Paul pulled away the only thing John could see was a smile creeping up in the corner of his stern look.

Not being able to take the situation seriously anymore, Paul just started bursting out with tear filled laughter. They just kept rolling out of him like a never ending carnival of laughter. John was confused; he drew away from him thinking that he had snapped over some little scone mess or something.

“Oh man, if only you could’ve seen your face John, it was priceless! Thinking that I was really pissed about the mess, did I have you fooled or what.” John just shoved at Paul meanly making his way away from him, anger still flowing through him; he tried to let it escape as he stared at the wall in front of him. Paul rubbed at his hurting chest where John had pushed him, “Ouch John, that fucking hurt for real mate, I’m sorry it was just a joke, lighten up okay, I’m not really mad just wanted to see….”

“See what Paul? See me blow up right in your face!! Did you want to make me mad or something, damn it; you just don’t get it sometimes do you.”

“Just calm down okay, I’m sorry I really am.” Regretting what he had done to John Paul went to his side and put a hand on his shoulder, “Friends?”

John knew that Paul knew that he had some…issues with life, after had knowing him for two months now after their first encounter of him stalking him, everything just flown out of his mouth one night a while back along with some tears about how much he hated everyone for leaving him in life. He trusted Paul with everything, all that he had to give the little fucker, and this is how he repays him. With a terrible joke that Paul knew would make John mad. John was mad though, he was furious, all over what though? He questioned himself over and over in his head if Paul really didn’t feel the connection that he did for them, was it all fake and an imaginary thing John had made up in his mind? Only one way to find out….

John turned around quickly making Paul stumble back a few inches by the force, “Would you kiss me by any chance?”

Paul didn’t know what to say to this, he was baffled by the random question that appeared out of nowhere, “Wha-what?!”

“Would you hold my hand?”

“John where are….”

“Would you sleep in the same bed as me?”

“John, you’re really starting to fre-”

“Answer me Paul!”

“I-I-I don’t know, were just mates John…”

“Is it not right to feel something for your friend Paul”

No answer to this question, Paul just stood there bug eyed looking at the frantic John who began pacing back and forth and talked to himself.

After knowing Paul for a few weeks, John had soon realized that he had developed something for Paul, something abnormal for a friend to feel towards another friend. It was strange, and at first John had resented himself for it.

*Two weeks earlier*
“Pssst, Paul?”

“What, I’m trying to watch this film.”

“Hand me the soda will ya.”

“John, you didn’t get a soda, this one’s mine, I don’t think you want my germs.”

“Don’t matter to me, just give me some.”
Paul handed him his drink and while John was grabbing it from his hand, he placed his hand on top of Paul’s grasping the cup. When Paul tried to pull away his hand, John was just holding it there, as if….

“Oh sorry,” John apologized as he let go of the cup, spilling the drink all over Paul’s lap. If only the lights were on in the theater so that Paul could have seen John’s blush marked face once he realized that he was holding Paul’s hand unknowingly…or was it?

“John…are you okay? Is this about the bad joke a few minutes ago…if so I said I’m sorry…”

“I don’t want your apologies Paul.”

“Then what the hell DO you want from me John?”
John just stood there, not wanting to answer Paul’s question afraid that something might accidentally slip up from his mind and make him throw up words that he has been deathly afraid of letting go of, and refrained from using often. “I’m gonna go…thanks for, everything.”

John went towards the door and grasped the knob about to twist it and leave until he felt something tugging at his free floating arm. It was Paul, he had latched onto John’s arm pulling him away from the door he was about to escape from.

“No…don’t leave, please, I’m sorry.” He let his arms slowly embraced the older man in a comforting hug, as he pleaded for him to not go, “please, please, please stay John, I’m sorry…” Sniffles came from the younger boy who had his head pressed against John’s chest. He looked up at John with his sad eyes, this made John’s heart explode, handling Paul in such a state made him feel terrible on the inside. Paul pressed his face back into John’s chest wetting it lightly with his soft tears.

“Macca...” he whispered as he embraced Paul with his arms in return, “…I wouldn’t leave you, okay.” He took one hand and placed it under Paul’s chin lifting up his face to expose to innocent, withering child he was. John then placed a soft kiss to his forehead as he opened up to the door and beckoned for Paul to follow him.

They went down the stairs and John had led them to the couch, where he sat down and brought Paul into his lap cradling him like a mother would a sick child, “shhhh- there, there Macca, don’t cry…I shouldn’t have blown up on you like that…”

Paul sat up pulling away from John’s comforting arms, he wiped his hot cheeks with his sleeve, “No, I deserved it.... I’m sorry John, so so sorry....if, if....”

“shhhh” he was cut off by John’s calloused finger against his mouth. John pulled Paul against him again, cuddling him and making him feel better, and he would even hum if necessary to make him settle down. John would just do anything for Paul right now; I’m such a stupid git.

They stayed like that for the longest time, until John felt the steady breathing from Paul and the stopped quivering every time he’d let more tears fall. He pushed back some of the dark haired boys hair to expose his closed eyes, sleeping was probably the best thing for him right now. John as well wanted to sleep but he couldn’t stop looking at the smaller figure curled up on top of him. Everything felt right holding him in his arms, helping him calm down, but John knew deep down inside, nothing was alright about this....


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