Fic: Chains Of Love-Ch.2

Jan 08, 2010 18:28

 Title: Chains of Love- Chapter Two
Author: Me, ColdHardHeart
Pairings: FEMALE! J/P, FEMALE! G/R-though not in this chapter. D:
Rating: PG For now- rating will probably climb up to a STRONG PG-13
Time-Frame- Autumn, modern-day
Summary: Georgina Harrison and Pauline McCartney are just normal girls, trying to survive teenagerhood and trying to figure out who they are.  What happens when a wild-spirited woman named Johnelle Lennon and a dancer with sad eyes by the name of Rachie Starkey enter the two girls' lives?
Disclaimer: I don't own the Beatles, and I think even if I did, they'd be very offended that they all are chicks in this multi-chapter fanfiction... -Chapter One

Pairings: P/G, P/J, J/G

Chapter Two:  She’s Got The Devil In Her Heart

Johnelle watched the shaggy-haired girl scoop another forkful of fruit from her plate, parting her lips predictably to slide the food into her mouth, and bobbing her head to something that her pretty friend said.

Johnelle grinned devilishly, and determinedly ambled over to their table.

The tawny-haired woman noisily slid into the chair across from the two girls. She grinned roguishly, dark eyes twinkling with cruel bemusement, as Georgina jumped. The fork in Georgina’s hand jerked with the unexpected movement, flinging the sliced orange at Pauline.

The other girl yelped as the fruit hit her eye, and screeched at the acidic stinging as the food slid away from her face.

“OW!” Pauline clapped her hand over her eye, hissing at the painful tingling.

Georgina looked apologetically at her best friend, and then glowered at the older girl lounging across from her; said girl was cackling wildly, apparently delighted by the young women’s miseries.

“Who the bloody hell do you think you are?!” Georgina growled out through clenched teeth, handing a napkin to Pauline, helping her older friend clean up the juice and tears from her face.

“Why, my dear!” Johnelle sassed out, smiling cockily at Georgina. “Don’t you recognize the Queen of England when you see her?!”

Georgina scoffed and wrapped a sisterly arm around Pauline, still aiding the teenager with getting her eye cleaned up.

“You’re no queen!” The scruffy girl proclaimed.  “Not in that getup!”

Johnelle glanced down at her striped shirt she wore beneath her cropped leather jacket, and then grinned impishly at the two young ladies once again, her eyes glinting dangerously.

“All right, I’m moonlighting.” She exclaimed, looking affronted, yet the smug smile lingered on her thin lips.

“No, you’re insane!” Pauline bitterly voiced, wiping at her eye and wincing as she struggled to see out of it.

Johnelle just laughed again, satisfied with Pauline’s declaration.

“Oh, that’s bloody rich!” She chortled out as she eyed Pauline, who looked suspiciously back at her.  “This coming from the town bicycle!”

Georgina frowned angrily, and Pauline gasped indignantly, her cheeks flushing scarlet.

“W-What?!” Pauline spluttered out, and Georgina’s dark eyes narrowed defensively at Johnelle through her thick bangs.

“Hey! You can’t call her that!” Georgina roared; her hands were now on the table and curling into shaking fists.

Johnelle’s eyebrows leapt into her fringe. She cupped the side of her face with her right hand, resting the arm on the table, and stared disinterestedly at Georgina through half-lidded eyes.

“Oh, whatcha gonna do, little girl?” Johnelle drawled out leeringly, her eyes daring Georgina.

“Don’t call me that!” The younger teen seethed out as she dug through her pockets, and then slapped money onto the table.

Pauline could tell, even with one blood-shot and slightly swollen eye, that her friend was getting very fed up with Johnelle. She understood that Georgina was intending to leave if Johnelle kept egging her on.  She opened up her purse and prepared to pay the amount for her meal, feeling annoyed that she only finished half of it, courtesy to the joker across the table.

“Why not?” Johnelle flicked a bit of eggs off one of the plates, and the food smacked against Georgina’s cheek.  “It suits you!”

Georgina roughly wiped off the egg, and sat up straighter, suddenly using her height as a convincing intimidation tactic.

“You’re acting like the little girl!”

Johnelle grinned once more; only this time, the toothy beam was accentuated with the woman puckering her lips noisily and batting her eyelashes at Georgina, who looked even more vexed.

“Aw…” The tawny-haired woman cooed out in a baby-voice. “Who’s a cutie-wutie, little-wittle girly-whirly? You are! You are!”

Georgina suddenly leapt to her feet, her hands slamming down on the table.  She glared at Johnelle, who seemed unfazed by the possibility of the aggravated teenager lunging at her and strangling her.

Pauline, who had finished cleaning her eye earlier, glanced down nervously at her friend’s hands.  She worriedly nibbled on her thumbnail as she noticed that Georgina’s knuckles were white.  She had to do something soon.

The baby-faced girl placed a hand on her friend’s shoulder, wincing momentarily at how taut the broad shoulder felt underneath her soft touch.  She also sensed the muscles rippling dangerously, and mentally applauded Georgina for trying to keep herself from mauling the idiot, who was chortling merrily across the table.

“NO! I’m NOT a-”

Pauline immediately squeezed Georgina’s shoulder, looking soothingly at her friend.

“Georgina… Calm down…” Pauline shushed with a reassuring smile on her lips.

Georgina glanced at Pauline briefly, feeling the tempestuous sea of anger subside a bit inside her, and her eyes softened a little at her friend’s smile.  She slid her hands off the table, relaxing them, and then sat down again.

“GEORGINA!” Johnelle exclaimed, flinging her arms out dramatically as she jumped to her feet and moved over to Georgina’s side.

She fell to one knee, and grasped the girl’s hand.  She lowered her lips to the skin, and made a mocking cry of woe as Georgina jerked her hand away.

“Georgina, Georgina!” Johnelle crooned out.  “Wherefore art thou Georgina!”

Georgina Harrison had had enough of Johnelle’s antics.

She surged to her feet, and shoved Johnelle, knocking the woman onto her back, and stormed out of the café.

“Ooh! Touchy!” Johnelle gaily shouted as she rose to her feet, and then grasped the money that resided by Georgina’s plate.  She cupped a hand to the side of her mouth and yelled again as the door started to close after Georgina.  “So long, luv!” She grabbed the money with her other hand. “Thanks for the money- Hope you enjoyed my SPECIAL services!”

Pauline blushed as she recognized the implications behind Johnelle’s words, but she reached out to grab the money out of Johnelle’s hand.

“Y-You can’t do that!” The younger girl stammered out, trying to ignore the café customers’ eyes that were on her and Johnelle.  “Give that back!”

Johnelle smiled down at Pauline, and then carelessly tossed the money back onto the table, sighing mournfully.

“Oh, all right, I shall leave, my fair lady!” She turned around, and walked away.

Pauline sighed with relief.

After a few moments, Pauline looked down at her purse, pulling out the money and counting out the necessary amount.

“Miss me?” Lips suddenly hovered by her ear, and Pauline yelped as she jumped, money flying out of her hand.  

A/N: Female Ringo [Rachie] was SUPPOSED to be in this chapter, but unfortunately, Female John and Female George really made this scene really quite... intense, that Female Ringo kinda got cut to the next chapter. Sorry, Rings. -___-;

And Female Paul as well as Female George are PROBABLY out of character, but I imagine if Paul did get hurt, he'd be a little distracted. As for George/Georgina- I guess teenagers can be really upset if something happened, I have friends who were always very upset at someone like SCREWY! John. So maybe Georgina/George may not be as out of character, seeing as he/she's 16.

john/george, paul/george, john/paul

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