Application: THEME: Early Beatles Songs
beatle_stamp themed application! Please stamp as any song by the The Beatles from 1963-1965. This includes all the songs from
Please Please Me,
With The Beatles,
A Hard Day’s Night,
Beatles For Sale,
Help!, and
Rubber Soul, as well as any of their
singles from this time period.
01. Name: Lauren (Second name: Lennox)
02. Age: 17
03. Which Beatle are you stamped as? George
04. What is your favorite album of this period (Please Please Me through Rubber Soul) and why? Probably Rubber Soul, because I think it was the first actual album where they became brave enough and talented enough to push the boundaries of music and actually change it.
05. Do you prefer more John, Paul, George, or Ringo songs? Probably John or George songs.
06. Describe your musical tastes (besides The Beatles): I'm very particular about my music, but my top favorites besides John and George's solo career (Less of Paul's and Ringo's, I actually like their solo stuff better because I think it gave them more of a chance to be themselves and express their individual messages), would be Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Beethoven, The Who, Cream, Howlin' Wolf, Big Joe Turner, Chopin, Simon and Garfunkel, and Stevie Ray Vaughn, The Stooges, Buddy Holly and Eddie Cochran.
07. Do you prefer faster or slower songs? Depends what mood I'm in.
08. What do you feel about covers? I like original songs better, because usually the original of the cover is always the best.
09. Do you like music made for movies? I love musical scores, like orchastral music.
10. How does a great song make you feel? Inspired, contemplative, like I'm going to laugh.
11. Why do you listen to music (i.e. to dance, listen to the meaning, etc.)? The meaning, the poetry of it and the structure (Music student)
12. Name some characteristics of your favorite songs (i.e. sad, dancy, ballad, simple, experimental etc.): I like more complex peices, definitely. I like to see where the artist takes the material.
13. What kind of messages are important to you? I like messages that will stand the test of time. I like music that in fifty years, won't sound dated, or the mesage won't, yet it's original.
14. What are your feelings about love? Answered in question 16 |D
15. Do you consider yourself an optimist or pessimist? A realist.
16. Romantic or Cynic? Cynically romantic. I'm very cynical on the surface about love, yet I idealize it.
17. Progressive or Traditional? Traditional in some aspects, but progressive in others. But If I don't want my opinion to change on it, it damn well won't |D -is stubborn-
18. Please link to three recent applications you have voted on: The only open application at the moment |D -voted more last month-