Title: The Universe Conspires
Prompt: Crossover
Characters/Pairings: Waspinator, Scrat
Rating: G
Team: Predacon
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: The concept for this can actually be attributed to
tropermariko over at
tf_bunny_farm, who mentioned the idea of an Ice Age crossover. I simply felt it must be done.
“Teach ant-bot to leave Waspinator under avalanche on mountain!” Grumbling, he tried to engage his wings; they only twitched and sparked. One foot slipped on the shifting snow, he pinwheeled, hand flinging out…
Only to have a brown, organic seed drop into it. Startled but pleased, he brought it up, mandibles spreading.
High, distressed squeal; a tiny rodent was watching him, large eyes wide in horror.
He fired at it, intent to drive it off.
The organic flinched, but held its ground, gaze on the seed.
Waspinator looked at the nut, back to the squirrel-rat.
He held out his hand.