Nov 05, 2006 02:22
So, I like...have a girlfriend.
Oct 27, 2006 01:23
I feel like I wanna do something bad.....really really bad
Sep 04, 2006 02:49
The pastor says love everyone no matter what and people think that because one person says they feel or are above others they rip into him. Bravo team bravo.
Jul 29, 2006 11:26
So it's been a long time since I have updated my LJ. And the saddest part is that nothing has changed. I mean I still work at wal mart I am moving and I dyed my hair..........................................................................................................................................................................woot.
Jun 02, 2006 08:40
So in a couple of days I am on vacation from work and it is gonna feel like the best thing in the world.
May 30, 2006 13:19
What is up everyone? not a whole lot here. just letting you know I am still alive and next week i will be on vacation in Anderson, IN visiting some very old friends.
May 20, 2006 08:37
I should update this more than i used to
May 13, 2006 23:45
So i have a my space now. if you have one and look me up my display name is dizzave but if you just want to visit the page its
May 11, 2006 01:29
So besides the fact that I totally suck and am steadily going down the wrong path life is peachy. I miss you LOG kids and am sad that bad things are happening. Meryl I love you so much kid. My heart is with you. And Chad I am sorry I wont be able to make your grad party. I need help and dont know where to turn to.