2008 год. Что из лучшего уже перевели?

Jan 31, 2011 15:44

Пока список лучших книг 2010 года еще не приобрел окончательный вид, посмотрим на 150 лучших книг 2008 года по версии англоязычной прессы. Список был составлен в конце 2008 - начале 2009 годов. (С лучшими книгами по итогам 2009 года можно ознакомиться здесь). Почти четверть книг уже переведена. (Указано количество упоминаний в различных списках по итогам года и жанр).

37. Джумпа Лахири. "На новой земле" (General Fiction).
33. Price, Richard. "Lush Life" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
28. O'Neill, Joseph. "Netherland" (General Fiction).
28. Wroblewski, David. "Story of Edgar Sawtelle, The" (General Fiction).
26. Тони Моррисон. "Жалость" (Historical Fiction).
25. Сьюзен Коллинз. "Голодные игры" (Young Adult Fiction).
24. Мэри Энн Шеффер, Энни Бэрроуз. "Клуб любителей книг и пирогов из картофельных очистков" (Historical Fiction).
23. Bolano, Roberto. "2666: A Novel" (General Fiction).
22. Robinson, Marilynne. "Home" (General Fiction).
22. Элизабет Страут. "Оливия Киттеридж" (General Fiction).
21. Кори Доктороу. "Младший брат" (Young Adult Fiction).
21. Mayer, Jane. "Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals, The" (Narrative Nonfiction).
20. Lehane, Dennis. "Given Day, The" (Historical Fiction).
19. Filkins, Dexter. "Forever War, The" (Narrative Nonfiction).
18. Harris, Mark. "Pictures at a Revolution: Five Movies and the Birth of the New Hollywood" (Narrative Nonfiction).
17. Филип Рот. "Возмущение" (General Fiction).
17. Erdrich, Louise. "Plague of Doves, The" (General Fiction).
17. Стиг Ларссон. "Девушка с татуировкой дракона" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
17. Кейт Аткинсон. "Ждать ли добрых вестей?" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
16. Нил Стивенсон. "Анафем" (Speculative Fiction).
15. Александр Хэмон. "Проект 'Лазарь'" (Historical Fiction).
14. Майкл Коннелли. "Свинцовый вердикт" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
13. Аравинд Адига. "Белый тигр" (General Fiction).
13. Дэвид Бэниофф. "Город" (Historical Fiction).
13. Майкл Поллан. "Философия еды. Правда о питании" (Narrative Nonfiction). (NEW!)
12. Салман Рушди. "Флорентийская чародейка" (Historical Fiction).
12. Амитав Гош. "Маковое море" (Historical Fiction).
12. Кристина Кашор. "Проклятый дар" (Young Adult Fiction).
11. Луи Байяр. "Черная башня" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
10. Тана Френч. "Мертвые возвращаются?.." (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
10. Нил Гейман. "История с кладбищем" (Young Adult Fiction).
10. Малкольм Гладуэлл. "Гении и аутсайдеры. Почему одним все, а другим ничего?" (Narrative Nonfiction).
10. Кейт Саммерскейл. "Подозрения мистера Уичера, или Убийство на Роуд-Хилл" (Narrative Nonfiction).
10. Джулиан Барнс. "Нечего бояться" (Biography & Memoir).
9. Гарт Стайн. "Гонки на мокром асфальте" (General Fiction).
9. Эндрю Дэвидсон. "Горгулья" (General Fiction).
9. Урсула Ле Гуин. "Лавиния" (Historical Fiction).
9. Д. Брукс. "Люди книги" (Historical Fiction).
9. Фарид Закария. "Постамериканский мир" (Narrative Nonfiction).
9. Томас Фридман. " Жаркий, плоский, многолюдный. Кому нужна "зеленая революция" и как нам реконструировать Америку (Narrative Nonfiction).
8. Дон Уинслоу. "Конвоиры зари" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
8. Терри Пратчетт. "Народ, или Когда мы были дельфинами" (Young Adult Fiction).
8. Иэн Бэнкс. "Материя" (Speculative Fiction).
8. Элис Шредер. "Уоррен Баффет. Лучший инвестор мира" (Biography & Memoir).
7. Джонатан Майлз. "Дорогие Американские Авиалинии" (General Fiction).
7. Джон Ле Карре. "Особо опасен" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
7. Джо Грэм. "Черные корабли" (Speculative Fiction).
7. Иэн Рэнкин. "Музыка под занавес" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
7. Марго Ланаган. "Лакомые кусочки" (Young Adult Fiction).
6. Саша Станишич. "Как солдат граммофон чинил" (General Fiction).
6. Джон Апдайк. "Иствикские вдовы" (General Fiction).
6. Ричард Морган. "Сталь остается" (Speculative Fiction).
6. Келли Линк. "Милые чудовища" (Young Adult Fiction).
6. Харлан Кобен. "Мертвая хватка" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
6. Дэрил Грегори. "Пандемоний" (Speculative Fiction).
5. Мюриель Барберри. "Элегантность ежика" (General Fiction).
5. Колин Харрисон. "Найти в Нью-Йорке" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
5. Майкл Грубер. "Фальшивая Венера" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
5. Шерри Томас. "Идеальная пара" (Romance Fiction).
5. Стефани Майер. "Рассвет" (Young Adult Fiction).
5. Мэри Роуч. "Секс для науки. Наука для секса" (Narrative Nonfiction).
5. Лорен Грофф. "Тайны Темплтона" (General Fiction).
5. Грег Бир. "Город в коцне времен" (Speculative Fiction).
5. Патрик Несс. "Поступь хаоса" (Young Adult Fiction).
2. Энн Райс. "Иисус. Дорога в Кану" (Inspirational Fiction).

15. Smith, Tom Rob. "Child 44" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
15. Gordon-Reed, Annette. "Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family, The" (Biography & Memoir).
14. Faust, Drew Gilpin. "This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War" (Narrative Nonfiction).
13. Galchen, Rivka. "Atmospheric Disturbances" (General Fiction).
13. Perlstein, Rick. "Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America" (Narrative Nonfiction).
13. French, Patrick. "World Is What It Is: The Authorized Biography of V. S. Naipaul, The" (Biography & Memoir).
12. Wickersham, Joan. "Suicide Index: Putting My Father's Death in Order, The" (Biography & Memoir).
11. Le, Nam. "Boat, The" (General Fiction).
11. Aslam, Nadeem. "Wasted Vigil, The" (General Fiction).
11. Wood, James. "How Fiction Works" (Narrative Nonfiction).
11. Coll, Steve. "Bin Ladens: An Arabian Family in the American Century, The" (Biography & Memoir).
11. McCracken, Elizabeth. "Exact Replica of a Figment of My Imagination, An" (Biography & Memoir).
10. Sittenfeld, Curtis. "American Wife" (General Fiction).
10. Millhauser, Steven. "Dangerous Laughter: Thirteen Stories" (General Fiction).
10. Proulx, Annie. "Fine Just the Way It Is: Wyoming Stories 3" (General Fiction).
10. Alameddine, Rabih. "Hakawati, The" (General Fiction).
10. Barlow, Toby. "Sharp Teeth" (Speculative Fiction).
10. Rash, Ron. "Serena" (Historical Fiction).
10. Lockhart, E.. "Disreputable History of Frankie Landau Banks, The" (Young Adult Fiction).
10. Wineapple, Brenda. "White Heat: The Friendship of Emily Dickinson and Thomas Wentworth Higginson" (Biography & Memoir).
9. Wolff, Tobias. "Our Story Begins" (General Fiction).
9. Kushner, Rachel. "Telex from Cuba" (Historical Fiction).
8. Auster, Paul. "Man in the Dark" (General Fiction).
8. Akpan, Uwem. "Say You're One of Them" (General Fiction).
8. O' Nan, Stewart. "Songs for the Missing" (General Fiction).
8. Anderson, M. T.. "Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Volume II: The Kingdom of Waves, The" (Young Adult Fiction).
8. Green, John. "Paper Towns" (Young Adult Fiction).
8. Hajdu, David. "Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America" (Narrative Nonfiction).
8. Vanderbilt, Tom. "Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us)" (Narrative Nonfiction).
8. Meacham, Jon. "American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House" (Biography & Memoir).
8. Carr, David. "Night of the Gun: A Reporter Investigates the Darkest Story of His Life, His Own, The" (Biography & Memoir).
7. Winton, Tim. "Breath" (General Fiction).
7. Galloway, Steven. "Cellist of Sarajevo, The" (General Fiction).
7. Ozick, Cynthia. "Dictation: A Quartet" (General Fiction).
7. Bynum, Sarah Shun-Lien. "Ms. Hempel Chronicles" (General Fiction).
7. Furst, Alan. "Spies of Warsaw, The" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
7. Chercover, Sean. "Trigger City" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
7. Matthiessen, Peter. "Shadow Country" (Historical Fiction).
7. Enger, Leif. "So Brave, Young and Handsome" (Historical Fiction).
7. Barry, Lynda. "What It Is" (Graphic Novels).
7. Sheeler, Jim. "Final Salute: A Story of Unfinished Lives" (Narrative Nonfiction).
7. Horwitz, Tony. "Voyage Long and Strange: Rediscovering the New World, A" (Narrative Nonfiction).
6. Robinson, Roxanna. "Cost" (General Fiction).
6. Rebeck, Theresa. "Three Girls and Their Brother" (General Fiction).
6. Bacigalupi, Paolo. "Pump Six and Other Stories" (Speculative Fiction).
6. Frost, Gregory. "Shadowbridge" (Speculative Fiction).
6. Taylor, Nick. "American-Made: The Enduring Legacy of the WPA: When FDR Put the Nation to Work" (Narrative Nonfiction).
6. Chang, Leslie T. "Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China" (Narrative Nonfiction).
6. Shehadeh, Raja. "Palestinian Walks: Notes on a Vanishing Landscape" (Narrative Nonfiction).
6. Moore, Honor. "Bishop's Daughter, The" (Biography & Memoir).
6. Cooper, Helene. "House at Sugar Beach, The" (Biography & Memoir).
6. Norman, Philip. "John Lennon: The Life" (Biography & Memoir).
6. Kaplan, Fred. "Lincoln: The Biography of a Writer" (Biography & Memoir).
5. Canin, Ethan. "America America" (General Fiction).
5. Adrian, Chris. "Better Angel, A" (General Fiction).
5. Piazza, Tom. "City of Refuge" (General Fiction).
5. Prose, Francine. "Goldengrove" (General Fiction).
5. Carey, Peter. "His Illegal Self" (General Fiction).
5. Kunzru, Hari. "My Revolutions" (General Fiction).
5. Hensher, Philip. "Northern Clemency, The" (General Fiction).
5. Harvey, Michael. "Fifth Floor, The" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
5. Cook, Thomas H. . "Master of the Delta, The" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
5. Black, Benjamin. "Silver Swan, The" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
5. Pelecanos, George. "Turnaround, The" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
5. Tallis, Frank. "Vienna Blood" (Mysteries, Thrillers & Action Novels).
5. Walton, Jo. "Half a Crown" (Speculative Fiction).
5. Kennedy, A. L.. "Day" (Historical Fiction).
5. Lazar, Zachary. "Sway" (Historical Fiction).
5. Myers, Walter Dean. "Sunrise Over Fallujah" (Young Adult Fiction).
5. Kleinzahler, August. "Sleeping It Off in Rapid City" (Poetry ).
5. Shaw, Dash. "Bottomless Belly Button" (Graphic Novels).
5. Weiner, Eric. "Geography of Bliss, The" (Narrative Nonfiction).
5. Shulman, Seth. "Telephone Gambit: Chasing Alexander Graham Bell's Secret, The" (Narrative Nonfiction).
5. Walters, Barbara. "Audition: A Memoir" (Biography & Memoir).
5. Sheff, David. "Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through his Son's Addiction" (Biography & Memoir).
5. Fischer, David Hackett. "Champlain's Dream" (Biography & Memoir).
5. Pham, Andrew X.. "Eaves of Heaven: A Life in Three Wars, The" (Biography & Memoir).
5. Greenberg, Michael. "Hurry Down Sunshine: A Memoir" (Biography & Memoir).
5. Ballard, J. G.. "Miracles of Life" (Biography & Memoir).
5. Lopez, Steve. "Soloist: A Lost Dream, An Unlikely Friendship, and the Redemptive Power of Music, The" (Biography & Memoir).
5. Blackburn, Julia. "Three of Us: A Family Memoir, The" (Biography & Memoir).
4. Shopsin, Kenny. "Eat Me: The Food and Philosophy of Kenny Shopsin" (How-To Nonfiction).
4. Bloom, Stephen G.. "Oxford Project, The" (How-To Nonfiction).
4. Carmellini, Andrew. "Urban Italian: Simple Recipes and True Stories from a Life in Food" (How-To Nonfiction).

Жанр:Детектив, Жанр:Фэнтези, Жанр:non fiction, Жанр:Ужасы, Жанр:Детская, Общее:Лучшее, Год:2008, Век:21, Жанр:Подростковая, Жанр:Фантастика

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