Oh I loved that so much I can't even tell!! I was hilarious, oddly hott, and just exactly what I needed after FINALLY finishing that awful paper! Thank You!
Missing Pete's sex-faces would have been tragic. Even at the best of times, when he wasn't in the throes of sexual ecstasy (I don't like to blow my own trumpet but if you'd been there, you'd get it. Toot, toot), his animated face would contort in the most fantastic ways. Right now it looked like he was trying to eat his own ear and play a kazoo at the same time
That is pretty much my favourite bit in a Sweet fic ever.
Yay! I was hoping that someone would write this and it's a lovely scene. I was really wondering how you were going to get around the crash helmet bit and you did it really well.
I remember when I first saw that scene and was slightly worried when my first thought was not, "OMGWTFBBQ THEY'RE BUMMING!" but "Ah yes, metal bed frame. Quite sensible of him wearing a helmet." And then I squeed over the canon ghey sexings.
Comments 61
I love that you included Pete's crazy sex faces-- I don't recall seeing them being mentioned in other fics, and it made my day ;)
Glad you liked it.
That is pretty much my favourite bit in a Sweet fic ever.
I was patting myself on the back for managing to fit in a bit of trumpet imagery in, what is essentially, a porno.
"How did you injure yourself, Mr. Sweet?"
"Me fella plouged me into the metal bed head. I have explained this sixteen times now."
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