I expected to be going a little nuts without lj, so I decided to - gasp! - attempt to do some homework. But I was so tired for some reason that even after taking my Dexedrine, I managed to fall asleep in front of the computer and sleep through the entire move. Heh. I woke up to refresh
LJ Status, and it went from saying, "We've taken the site down
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Comments 4
I Have the Soundtrack laying around somewhere, I can see if that one has what you are looking for?
I'll stay with him. would have to be something like Ich bleibe bei ihm. - or rather, Ich werde bei ihm bleiben. (future tense instead of present tense), since while usually it's grammatically correct to use the present tense instead of the future tense if you're expressing an intention, in a case like this, when you're expressing a very definite intention that's almost like a promise, you'd use the actual future tense for emphasis. Actually, in a case like this, you'd probably say I'll stay here. (Ich werde hier bleiben.) instead of I'll stay with him.. Idk why, it just sounds more like what people would say in that situation.
Ich gehöre zu ihm would have to be what the article said, I'm with him. or I belong with him. - more the former, though. The German phrase indicates that you know the person you're talking about, and that you're not just staying with them because they need someone to keep an eye on ( ... )
more the former, though.
Good to know, since, "I'm with him," makes more sense in the context of the movie than, "I'll stay with him," does.
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