Sheesh, Bean!

May 01, 2008 08:58

Er, what's the fannish etiquette surrounding swiping someone else's fic idea? There IS no real fannish etiquette for that, is there? Beyond, of course, "don't do it ( Read more... )

fail!, fic, writing, doctor who

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Comments 9

t_eyla May 1 2008, 15:30:06 UTC
As long as you're only writing for yourself, I don't think fic idea swiping is a problem. If you want to share the fic, you can always ask them if they'd be okay with it. I've thought up a lot of my fic with somebody else, or have gotten my idea from something someone else said. People are usually quite generous with their bunnies :).


beandelphiki May 2 2008, 00:44:24 UTC's YOUR bunny. The pegging one, right? I tucked it in a cage after that thread and went scampering off with it. LOL. Since people keep suggesting asking, I'd have tracked you down to ask if I ever got far enough along to consider posting it, yeah.

It's just, I've been wrongly accused of stealing stuff before (at school, not ever in fandom - the justification was, "you couldn't possibly have written this at your age," rather than actually checking my sources, which still BURNS me inside), so the idea of even doing so accidentally normally makes me terribly bovvered. That's what's really getting me here. I mean, if you said no, that wouldn't be the end of the universe.

Makes me wonder if I got hit on the head or something this week and can't remember.


t_eyla May 2 2008, 00:52:23 UTC
Lol, well, I forget stuff like this too if the creative vibe gets me. Someone says something, I go OMG YES THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE, and then I start doing it and only later realize, o wate, maybe I should have asked if they were okay with me working with their idea... xD.

Where this particular fic is concerned, if you finish it, please do post it. There can never be enough Ten/Donna pegging :D.


beandelphiki May 2 2008, 00:58:17 UTC
Well, thank god I'm not the only one then!

Wiiill do. :)


siegeengine May 1 2008, 15:58:45 UTC
aww.. that's really sad! I mean, not the swiping part, but just that you didn't realize it until you got 2000 words in. As far as etiquette goes, I think it extends as far as if the person actually will be able to see the fic when and where you post it. Another variable is that you could actually mention it to the person, and asked if they ever got anywhere on that idea, and if you wrote something on it, if they'd like to read it ( ... )


siegeengine May 1 2008, 16:00:44 UTC
asked/ask. I don't spell check or proofread when I'm up at 9 in the morning.


beandelphiki May 2 2008, 00:53:17 UTC
Heh, I don't think anyone would need to be concerned about my showing them up. I'm a little more concerned with getting people marginally in character. But it's nice of you to suggest so.

Maybe you could write serialized fics? I think that's how some people get away with the problem of how to finish one. You don't really ever have to finish a serialized fic. You can just write, "to be continued...." and be done with it.But wouldn't people then expect you to continue it? I know if I saw, "to be continued," I'd think that it would be, well, continued ( ... )


haleth May 1 2008, 21:21:37 UTC
Finish it if you like, and if you want to post it, talk to the person who gave you the idea, and if they don't mind, post with credit to them.


beandelphiki May 2 2008, 00:46:41 UTC
Of course they'd get the blame credit! :P Thank you. I've obviously lurked too much in my fannish time.


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