I just FINALLY figured out a way to screencap in Windows Media Player. FEAR MY AWESOME SKILLS. Nothing can stop me now.
So naturally, I had to do this straightaway. I apologize if I give any offense, but this was the very first thing that popped into my brain while watching this moment in "Planet of the Ood."
Textually NSFW:
'You've got a box, he's got a Ferrari!' )
Comments 2
great work!
who is that with the Doctor? .. actually never mind. I'll know eventually.
I think the fandom macro style here is actually based off Demotivators (due to the tone), which are in turn parodies of the motivational posters.
Aaaand, well, I LOVE Demotivators. I've got their calendar for this year, and I used to have Defeat hanging in my locker in high school. Cheered me up every day.
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