I just realized...
Just now...
Locking at the clock, which reads: 12:32 am, WEDNESDAY...
Jesus god, how did I DO that? I've had all the relevant info: channel, day of the week, time and air dates for upcoming House episodes on my greyboard for weeks. Prior to that, I kept all that on electronic post-it notes on my
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Comments 6
I'll wait to see if someone I know has a tape I can borrow first, I think.
This post was mainly made on the first wave of sick numbness I was feeling, but of course it's not really the end of Life, the Universe and Everything - so I am back to being amused at myself.
Mostly, anyway. *bonks head*
This week's ep was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay pro-life. Way. Next week's though...looks fascinating. o_o
Heck, in "One Day, One Room," House said something to the effect of, "We CAN draw a nice clear line where life begins, it's called birth."
Weird. Who really was pro-life in this ep? Cuddy? The patient? *puzzles*
Cuddy, the patient, and now House (kind of). Something happens in the operating room that makes House start referring to the thing inside the patient as a "baby" rather than a "fetus" (which he had been doing all throughout the episode). It's apparently based on an experience/photograph that some photographer took of a fetal operation.
The ep was interesting, but to me it was a little preachy without saying a word (though if you count House's change of heart, then they did use words).
Next week's ep, though...whoa. I wonder if Cuddy and House are on their way to a convention or a vacation...looks good.
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