The Sound of Science Fiction

Feb 14, 2007 10:55

IT MAY sound like science fiction but its really science fact: You can build a working ruby laser. It could be the most challengingand rewarding ...

“It may sound like science fiction b?? but itb??s really science fact: You can build a working ruby laser. A ruby laser is a source of coherent light. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but the prospect that suicide bombers and hijackers could be made redundant by flying robots is a real one, according to ...

This may sound like science fiction, but it is not. Sony has already patented a system that beams data directly into the brain without implants, ...

It may sound like science fiction, but many scientists are working rapidly to explore the biology as well as the practical benefits of these recently ...

It may sound like science fiction, but most of this fanciful description is true. NASA's Voyager and Galileo spacecraft have shown Europa to be a frigid ...

That may sound like science fiction, but the scenario is real enough. And the future of Netflix depends on its outcome. Businessman and Internet Visionary ...

Generating energy from flowing tap water may sound like science fiction, but a research team at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada claims it's ...

Recreating the connections between the brain and the body may sound like science fiction, but its just the beginning. "We are working on recreating an ...

It may sound like science fiction but flying robots could make suicide bombers and hijackers redundant experts say.
It may sound like science fiction, but flying robots could make suicide bombers and hijackers redundant, experts say. The technology for remote-controlled ...

It may sound like science fiction, but this concept is moving toward reality at Physiologic Communications LLC, a biotech company founded by University of ...

Growing body parts may sound like science fiction, but scientists are already hard at work on doing just that in the lab. The search is on for a source of ...

The idea may sound like science fiction, but some researchers at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base think it might be possible. They are participating in a ...

"Computers that respond to human emotion may sound like science fiction but they are bound to come," said Professor Roddy Cowie (pictured) of Queens ...

While this may sound like science fiction and that the results can't possibly be meaningful please keep in mind that we are working for major labels on both ...

While this may sound like science fiction, the theory behind it seems sound: if we can precisely manipulate molecules, and physical objects are only made up ...

What I'm going to tell you about may sound like science fiction from the 1950's...but it's actually cutting edge science of the new millenniumand it can ...

This much, however, can be said: While reverse causation (also called backward or retro-causation) may sound like science fiction, it is firmly grounded in ...

This may sound like science fiction, but Aubrey de Grey thinks this could be our reality in as little as 25 years. Other scientists caution that it is far ...

Nanotechnology may sound like science fiction; cells inside your body telling you that you are getting sick -- before symptoms are visible. ...

These may sound like science fiction, but some reputable computer scientists are predicting they will happen within the next several decades. ...

"A polymer in 'Flatland' may sound like science fiction, but every bulk phase is connected to adjoining ones through its surface," said Steve Granick, ...

This may sound like science fiction but for now, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water will be good enough as indicators of life. ...

It may sound like science fiction. ADZICK: Well, 15 or 20 years ago, it was science fiction. And what we're talking about now sounds like science fiction, ...

Although the humanlike computer, for example, may sound like science fiction, Myhrvold is banking on technology's version of the trickle-down theory: If the ...

This brain-controlled plane may sound like science fiction, but it is grounded in work that has been taking place for more than a decade. ...

That may sound like Science Fiction, but this book feels more like fiction with touches of fantasy shown through a woman's mind thoroughly baked in the ...

Quantum information may sound like science fiction but is, in fact, an active and extremely promising area of research, with a big dream: to build a quantum ...

Wearable computers may sound like science fiction. But in a world where more and more of us carry laptops and cellphones, the next logical step is ...

All of this may sound like science fiction. But science fiction is about to become science in part because of some folks in South Carolina . ...

This may sound like science fiction but for now, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water will be good enough as indicators of life. Send this page to a friend ...

... no ill effects may sound like science fiction, dozens of documented cases exist of humans surviving prolonged hibernation-like states with no lingering ...

Cryonics may sound like science fiction but as we look at its history, methods, and future we discover an emerging science. A. Structure ...

This may sound like science fiction, but it has been going on for more than 30 years, since the invention of Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). ...

So, the idea of storing energy by compressing air in underground mines may sound like science fiction, but it is already being done in Alabama and within a ...

It may sound like science fiction, but... 10/31/03 DOC SHORTAGE AHEAD? Think Pre-Med The nation is "just not producing enough physicians," said Dr. Richard ...

The Interplanetary Internet may sound like science fiction, but it is becoming ...
This may sound like science fiction, but it is becoming science fact. ...

Although it may sound like science fiction, scientists say that the threat of comet impacts on Earth is very real. torino scale ...

It may sound like science fiction, but its real and it happened. Media is invited to tour the site and view recent drilling deep into the Chesapeake Bay ...

While this may sound like science fiction and that the results can't possibly be meaningful please keep in mind that we are already working for major labels ...

"A website that can read your body language and know what you want before you have even clicked on anything may sound like science fiction ...

"While 'sailing' on a beam of sunlight may sound like science fiction, the concept has been explored for more than half a century." ...

It may sound like science fiction, but these are actually some of the ideas being floated as part of NASA's plan to build a permanent moon base starting in ...

It may sound like science fiction, but the project is on track to get approved by the Australian government. If completed, the $800 million solar tower will ...

This may sound like science fiction, or even a celestial-minded cult with potentially dangerous consequences. Since Leonardo da Vinci sketched out a ...

But, while the concept may sound like science fiction, the exhibit is rooted firmly in factual science. Starship 2040 is a unique solution to an unusual ...

Cash's design may sound like science fiction, but it has already received a $400000 funding boost from NASA . . ." (PhysicsWeb) ...

It may sound like science fiction, but it's the routine activity of the nation's fast-growing information industry and, more and more, its new partner the ...

Imaginary time may sound like science fiction, but it is a well defined mathematical concept. It seems essential, in order to formulate Quantum Mechanics, ...

It may sound like science fiction, but these products may soon be used in humans, says Medical Center researcher James R. Baker Jr., who recently received ...

The idea of creating a lifeform from a soup of chemicals may sound like science fiction. But advances in genetics are taking researchers ever closer to that ...

This may sound like science fiction, but in the near future, life will take on an entirely new dimension, with the development of networks and computing ...

All of this may sound like science fiction now, but the fact is all of this could be possible, available and affordable, and if it is, it will be used. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but some Houston researchers believe they can turn the vision into reality. And they may well be right. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but these programs will help astronomers detect some of the most dramatic events in the universe, such as massive ...

It may sound like science fiction, but these programs, using Grid computing technology, will help astronomers detect some of the most dramatic events in the ...

Such curios may sound like science fiction, but they are real possibilities in... ...
Such curios may sound like science fiction, but they are real ...

While it may sound like science fiction, the technology is here today thanks to some out-of-this-world research. This advance got its start in 1993 when ... may sound like science fiction, but flying robots could make suicide bombers and hijackers redundant, experts say. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but scientists believe they are only 10 years away from a pill that would slow the aging process. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but a scientist in Australia is developing Flying Electric Generators (FEGs), as reported by Wired. ...

While it may sound like science fiction, in reality its pure science the science of radio frequency coupled with microchip technology. ...

may sound like science fiction. We have. seen in the past that many scientific fic-. tions have become stark realities with the. passage of time. ...

"That may sound like science fiction, but we do it routinely in remote regions on Earth." ss. July 6, 1996. Vol. 150 No. 1 p. 8 ...

It may sound like science fiction, but the notion that we are living in a universe with extra, unseen dimensions has a long history in theoretical physics. ...

"While 'sailing' on a beam of sunlight may sound like science fiction, the concept has been. explored for more than half a century." ...

'It may sound like science fiction, but the prospect that suicide bombers and hijackers could be made redundant by flying robots is a real one, according to ...

Science It may sound like science fiction, but these are actually some of the ideas being floated as part of NASA's plan to build a permanent moon base ...

This may sound like science fiction but it is an actual science, and it is actually possible today. It just takes along time to accomplish the task. ...

old movie poster featuring a futuristic robot While the Pentagon's plans to perfect computerized warfare may sound like science fiction you might find in a ...

may sound like science fiction, and you can treat it as such if. you like, but my path of enquiry over the last five years leads ...

The idea may sound like science fiction, but it is a real proposal backed by city leaders who hope it will decrease the city's dependence on oil and make ...

It may sound like science fiction, but to Sandia molecular biologist George Bachand, such materials may be just around the research corner. ...

This may sound like science fiction, but prototype versions of such fabrication centers, which Gershenfeld and his colleagues call "fabrication laboratories ...

Painful implants and alien abduction experiences may sound like science fiction, but to San Antonio writer Whitley Strieber, theyre frighteningly real. ...

Cash's design may sound like science fiction, but it has already received a $400000 funding boost from NASA (Nature 442 51). ...

It may sound like science fiction, but according to scientists at King's College, London, regrowing human teeth may be possible in the near future - using ...

To the non-religious this may sound like science fiction, but I can testify of my own experience in just this kind of submission to God and the miraculous ...

This may sound like science fiction - or a scene from "Minority Report" - but this is all possible in the very near future using an already available ...

This may sound like science fiction, but in the near future, the digital revolution will take on an entirely new dimension, with the development of networks ...

All of this may sound like science fiction. But science fiction is about to become science in part because of some folks in South Carolina. ...

... language and know what you want before you have even clicked on anything may sound like science fiction. But this is what researchers are working on. ...

This may sound like science fiction, but a possible precursor to memetic engineering has already been studied at the Santa Fe Institute. ...

"While sailing on a beam of sunlight may sound like science fiction, the concept has been explored for more than half a century." ...

It may sound like science fiction, but researchers yesterday reported it could be possible to make things invisible. Janet Babin looks at some of the ...

It may sound like science fiction, but the exhibit is rooted firmly in factual science. The entrance to the Starship 2040 exhibit. ...

This description of a genetic engineering still to come may sound like science fiction; but science fiction has the disturbing habit of becoming reality ...

This scenario may sound like science fiction, but it is not. Within this book is the evidence to support the entire story. It is a fascinating story. ...

"Space drives," "Warp drives," and "Wormholes:" these concepts may sound like science fiction, but they are being written about in reputable journals. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but it's reality. WISN 12 News' Kent Wainscott investigated how this high-tech spy chip is showing up in some surprising ...

It may sound like science fiction, but this concept is moving toward reality at Physiologic Communications. LLC, a biotech company founded by University of ...

For those who dread their annual visit to the dentist, this may sound like science fiction. For people in Japan, it is a reality. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but it's not all that speculative. Scientists have come to understand that the brain is not hardwired, but very flexible, ...

Now that may sound like science fiction, but we had hearings and a panel selected by the Chairman, not selected by wild guys like me, selected by the ...

... regulate body temperature, play music, or charge batteries with sunlight--these things may sound like science fiction, but they're already out there. ...

That may sound like science fiction, but voice recognition was science fiction just a few years ago. As we head into the 21st century, we have a historic ...

It may sound like science fiction now, but may not be in the "near future". * New companies like already provide services to publishers and ...

This may sound like science fiction, but specialists were taking these ideas seriously at a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society in London earlier this ...

It may sound like science fiction, but it isn't anymore." The Boston Globe exhibited some confusion in a May article on nanotechnology, stating " fast ...

Although this may sound like science fiction, a number of critical breakthroughs were made. In 2002, individual thylacine genes were successfully replicated ...

The project may sound like science fiction, but Gracias, who. is an assistant professor in the Whiting School of Engineerings ...

This may sound like science fiction or idle speculation, but in a somewhat limited capacity, this dream is already a reality thanks to a number of A/V and ...

... a human organ into an oxygen-free state of biological limbo and then reversing the process at will with no ill effects may sound like science fiction, ...

This may sound like science fiction, but in the not too distant future we will be creating microscopic robots called nanites by the bucketful. ...

This may sound like science fiction. But, the exhibit is based on science. Starship 2040 is the answer to a problem NASA had. How do you explain something ...

ELBOW ROOM It may sound like science fiction, but the notion that we are living in a universe with extra, unseen dimensions has a long history in ...

What may sound like science fiction to some, is science fact at UTC Power. With hundreds of powered buildings and buses operating in Europe and North ...

These techniques for dealing with Australian pests may sound like science fiction, but science is now heading in this direction. ...

Nanorobots may sound like science fiction, but these tiny structures have applications as both medical devices and as diagnostics. Because of their size, ...

It may sound like science fiction, but to Sandia National Laboratories molecular biologist George Bachand such materials may be just around the research ...

It may sound like science fiction, but to Sandia molecular biologist George Bachand (1141), such materials may be just around the research corner. ...

This scenario may sound like science fiction, but it is not. Within this book. is the evidence to support the entire story. It is a fascinating story. ...

Matter changing spontaneously into antimatter and vice versa may sound like science fiction, but we use it all the time at the B Factories. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but 3Q can deliver this sophisticated digital experience in a fun and memorable way whether it is as a new interactive ...

Using bees and lasers to locate mines may sound like science fiction, but that's exactly what Bromenshenk and his colleagues did last summer at Ft. Leonard ...

This is the part where we're supposed to say, "This may sound like science fiction, but . . . " However, in this case, it is science fiction, ...

The next generation of wireless technologies may sound like science fiction, but it's not. It's just not now. (March 1, 2002 - Darwin) ...

Such scanners may sound like science fiction. In fact, both Hebert and Hillis liken their imagined devices to tricorders, the whirring handheld scanners ...

It may sound like science fiction, but physicians at UI Hospitals and Clinics are using robots to perform surgery. Howard Winfield, MD, urologist and ...

The idea may sound like science fiction, but that's the way many fuels are already produced by nature. The next time you pass a landfill, take a deep breath ...

This may sound like science fiction, but it is becoming science fact. The Interplanetary Internet (IPN) has a growing number of proponents, including Vint ...

This may sound like science fiction, but it makes sense for potential enemies to seek new ways to exploit our growing dependence on satellites. ...

may sound like science fiction, but it makes. sense for potential enemies to seek new. ways to exploit our growing dependence on ...

Such concepts may sound like science fiction, but the ethical quandaries they represent could manifest themselves in the short term; science may be ...

Holes and probes in the abdomen may sound like science fiction, but compared to open surgery, the advantages are hard to deny. Those benefits are most often ...

The institutes work may sound like science fiction, but tissue engineering a term coined in 1986 is not a new science. The first product was artificial ...

Invasion of the Cyborgs WEARABLE COMPUTERS may sound like science fiction -- the melding of man and machine. But they are now very much in the realm of ...

NEC's PaPeRo -- A talking robot clever enough to heal family rifts may sound like science fiction. But the makers of PaPeRo (Partner-type Personal Robot) ...

This may sound like science fiction but nanotechnology is an emerging field in which scientists hope to build machines that have parts just a few thousand ...

This may sound like science fiction or. technology that only Bill Gates could af-. ford, but such voice-activated devices are ...

While cattle-free quarter-pounders or chicken-free nuggets may sound like science fiction, Jason Matheny, lead author of a paper on in vitro meat production ...

This research may sound like science fiction, but Arinzehs lab techniques are fairly standard. She mixes human blood extracted from bone marrow with a ...

This may sound like science fiction but the issues are real -- security concerns are critical and may never be completely resolved. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but this concept is moving toward reality at Physiologic Communications LLC [website under construction], ...

Textiles incorporating wearable electronics that can tell where, when and how they are touched may sound like science fiction to some but to Australian Wool ...

The idea may sound like science fiction, but that's the way many fuels are already produced by nature. (2 Dec 2006) Fairly good article, but framed poorly. ...

These concepts may sound like science fiction, but they are being written about in reputable scientific journals. Science continues to evolve, ...

It may sound like science fiction but it may soon be possible to take a pill and sharpen your powers of concentration and improve your memory.
Real-time monitoring after the drug is administered may sound like science-fiction, but Dr. Analoui says the idea holds many benefits, and is intriguing to ...

While much of this may sound like science fiction, experiments with remote teleimmersive "help desks" for mechanics are already underway at places like NASA ...

Imaginary time may sound like science fiction, and it has been brought into Doctor Who. But nevertheless, it is a genuine scientific concept. ...

It may sound like science fiction, something only found in action movies, but it exists today. In fact, such technology is being tested and further ...

This may sound like science fiction, but it has already been used for. several years by industry. Caterpillar, an NCSA Strategic Industrial Part- ...

It may sound like science fiction but it's actually science fact. Whether we like it or not, there are already products with nano-particles on our shop ...

ALTHOUGH it may sound like science fiction to suggest that human cells can be inserted into the body and engineered to grow into new organs, ...

This may sound like science fiction-and until recently it was-but it's reaching the verge of possibility because teams of doctors and scientists are ...

It may sound like science fiction, but several leading industrial and academic labs are already fashioning rudimentary devices based on "molecular ...

It may sound like science fiction, but researchers at UT have developed a way to turn common bacteria into tiny machines. They've built a living camera, ...

"It may sound like science fiction, but in the not-so-distant future, we could have a personal DNA microarray at our doctor's office that would test us for ...

It may sound like science fiction, but Stagecoach, which runs most of the buses in south Manchesters, says the new service could be in place years before ...

Looking at space with "X-ray Vision" may sound like science fiction, but X-ray telescopes have opened a new window on the universe and led to exciting ...

Using lasers to propel spacecraft and satellites into orbit may sound like science fiction. But at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, ...

magnetically is very exciting: It may sound like science fiction, but it really makes good sense that. you can change its activity and push people out of ...

The concept may sound like science fiction - a human body is implanted with tiny sensors hooked up to miniaturized transmitters that reveal intimate details ...

This may sound like science-fiction, but engineers at start ups such as TellMe Networks, TelSurf, Audiopoint, and are working on voice portals ...

This may sound like science fiction, but so did laptops, five years ago. So did multimedia CDROMs five years ago. So did international networking, ...

Ideas about many dimensions beyond the three we experience may sound like science fiction but they are founded on rigorous mathematical ideas which can be ...

"Intelligent Agent" computer programs, with the capability to make decisions, watching the skies may sound like science fiction, but these programs, ...

Taking a lift into space may sound like science fiction but scientists are meeting in Seattle to discuss how to build such an elevator. ...

Controlling a computer with one's mind may sound like science fiction, but brain-computer interaction is one of the most rapidly developing areas of modern ...

"It may sound like science fiction but its really science fact: You can build a working ruby laser. A ruby laser is a source of coherent light. ...

... 23:46:57 GMT true link18 1797 CLIFFosakaJAPAN link19 General Sciences 334 Wanted: Home-builders for the moon link20 It may sound like science fiction, ...

Computers that can detect and imitate human emotion may sound like science fiction, but they are already with us,' said Dr Dylan Evans, of the University of ...

This may sound like science fiction, but it has been happening for years and continues to this day-anyone and everyone can be a target and a casualty. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but political pollster John Zogby is "absolutely" convinced that U.S. presidential candidates will be using it during the ...

while the concept may sound like science fiction, the exhibit is rooted firmly in factual. science. Starship 2040 is a unique solution to an unusual problem ...

A lot of the ideas in this book may sound like science fiction, but they are originated by people who believe that, one day, they will all come true. ...

The idea may sound like science fiction, but Hood has already signed on a trio of the world's top nanotechnologists from Caltech, as well as Phelps from ...

It may sound like science fiction, but a new study in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology predicts that womb transplants may be the next major step . ...

It may sound like science fiction, but a new study in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology predicts that womb transplants may be the next major step ...

It may sound like science fiction, but BrainPort is a device that encodes visual data as electric impulses and transmits them to the tongue through a narrow ...

"Working with it magnetically is very exciting: It may sound like science fiction, but it really makes good sense that you can change its activity and push ...

This may sound like science fiction, but Total Information Awareness (TIA) is a *real* threat to your civil liberties. TIA is a Defense Department project ...

This may sound like science fiction or Frankenstein's laboratory, but it is the actual state of the technology in personality simulation and control. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but systems that use biometric technology to identify people using their fingerprints have already debuted in major ...

It may sound like science fiction, but biotech's progress continues to defy prediction. The HIV genome took years to sequence; SARS was done in weeks. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but evidence of the benefits of biofeedback is quite good. It's been used to help control migraine pain, ...

This may sound like science fiction, but Aubrey de Grey thinks this could be our reality ...

This may sound like science fiction, but for some of our young friends here, it could well turn out to be a reality in their lifetime given the accelerated ...

This may sound like science fiction, but respected figures in the world of science agree that it is not impossible. And some of the fragments needed to give ...

I know some of this may sound like science fiction (there are a lot of ifs in the above), but I do think it is attainable, and attainable soon. ...

... teach language skills to autistic kids through what is called "neural retraining." It may sound like science fiction, but it's not all that speculative. ...

It may sound like science fiction to most people but I believe that it is possible. The possibility of escaping this reality or escaping my body is the only ...

'Computers that can detect and imitate human emotion may sound like science fiction, but they are already with us,' said Dr Dylan Evans, of the University ...

This may sound like science fiction, but this 11 x 26 mm capsule weighs only 4 gms (about 1/7th of an ounce). It contains a color video camera and wireless ...

time may sound like science fiction, but it is a well defined mathematical concept. It seems essential, in order to formulate ...

It May Sound Like Science Fiction, but the Next Leap in Computing Will Be a Quantum One. By Don Hamilton. If someone told you that at a given moment there ...

Though it may sound like science fiction, the folding, or compression of space (more than bending of space) can lead to the above two examples as solutions. ...

This may sound like Science Fiction, but then think of the LCD display of notebooks and it may not seem so far fetched all of a sudden. ...

This may sound like science fiction but this is the only feasible explanation to what happened - it would be absolutely absurd to think that the SNB in ...

It may sound like science fiction now, but I think we may ultimately be able to use the endoscope to not only detect cancers early, but to treat them using ...

It may sound like science fiction but it presents -- in interviews with a Master of Wisdom -- Maitreya's priorities in the coming time and some of the ...

This may sound like science fiction, but it is reality in many medical centers around the world. It seems like yesterday that I was a resident rotating ...

What may sound like science fiction today is already becoming a reality. The amorality and neutrality of scientists can no longer be ignored. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but we've just had a demonstration and it works just as advertised. With this dual-view function, the driver and front ...

A car that runs on water may sound like science fiction, but a group of Amherst Regional Middle School students are showing it's fact. ...

It may sound like science fiction, but the prospect that suicide bombers and hijackers could be made redundant by flying robots is a The servi. ...

(May 6, 2006) It may sound like science fiction, but the prospect that suicide bombers and hijackers could be made redundant by flying robots is a real ...

(I left out about 19,400 of these.)
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