Who Finale Not-Quite Speculations

Jun 27, 2008 12:08

Not really speculations or theories about the finale, but rather what I want and don't want to see happen. I'm staying as spoiler free as I can, so mentions of fan speculation is just that as far as I know -- speculation. Spoiler-ish only for guest stars and Catherine Tate's contract:

What I Want to Happen (or Not) by Sally Sparrow, age 12 1/2 )

tv: doctor who

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Comments 13

Classic <i>Doctor Who</i> spoilers only scarfman June 27 2008, 17:27:35 UTC

Three and a half 20th century Doctor Who companions left the TARDIS in death: Katarina and Sara Kingdom in The Dalek Master Plan, Adric in Earthshock, and Peri was reported both dead and married-offscreen in Trial of a Time Lord.


Re: Classic <i>Doctor Who</i> spoilers only beagleinspace June 27 2008, 20:06:25 UTC
Thanks for the information. So there is precedent in killing off a companion, though in the case of Katarina and Sara (via a skim through wikipedia) they sort of remind me of Lynda and Astrid -- not quite full time companions, but could have been had they lived.


(The comment has been removed)

beagleinspace June 27 2008, 20:54:00 UTC
You know, I can quite relate to your views.

Thanks! With a lot of people seeming really excited about Rose's return and the Torchwood gang (well, mostly Jack and Ianto) putting in an appearance, I was starting to think maybe I was the only one who was worried about Donna getting the short end of the stick.

I mean, as much as I like most of the ex-characters that appear in the finale, I think this will split the focus of the ep.

Agreed. From what I've heard, there's at least 7 returning major characters (5 DW + 2 TW) not including the Daleks. Unless some of them are putting in 5 second cameos, there's no way someone's not getting shortchanged. I'm hoping that all the reunion stuff will be concentrated in episode 11 leaving 12 to the DoctorDonna awesomeness that Donna deserves.

Judging from the last three finales, the show never quite ends on a happy note, so I'm not expecting it, but I'd rather it end with Donna alive rather than dead.


pallasdiamond June 27 2008, 18:28:23 UTC
I agree! I've only watched this season and a little of the previous 2 seasons. I've never seen torchwood or the sarah jane adventures and i dont have a clue what they're all about. if they take over the finale i will be seething with rage. ive loved having donna as the companion and i want her to have a fucking massive send off with rose keeping her paws out of it please!


beagleinspace June 27 2008, 21:06:30 UTC
ive loved having donna as the companion and i want her to have a fucking massive send off with rose keeping her paws out of it please!

Hehe... my secret fear about the finale is that somehow Rose saves the day. I've mellowed since "Turn Left" about Rose's return and watching some bits from season 1 reminds me that I liked her once, but she saved the universe twice. This time it's Donna's turn. (Preferably without having to any life-sacrificing heroics!)


bodyline June 27 2008, 20:01:22 UTC
If we're too assume that the Doctor is right and he is the Last (lol no) than that would also imply that Romana and Susan (as well as the Rani, etc. but talking strictly companions) both died off-screen deaths sometime between Eight and Nine.


beagleinspace June 27 2008, 21:20:08 UTC
I've been reading a few Ten/Romana fics (which is odd considering I've never watched anything pre Nine, but I suppose that is the power of good fic) that it completely slipped my mind that Romana is dead!

I guess I was thinking more along the lines of on-screen deaths, of which there apparently were a few, so it wouldn't be completely out of left field (given it has happened and Donna practically sealing her own fate by declaring she was going to travel forever with the Doctor) if RTD decided to kill her off (again, sort of).


shadowturquoise June 28 2008, 03:20:06 UTC
Ten/Romana!!! Where?? Please tell!


beagleinspace June 28 2008, 19:02:21 UTC
Most of the Ten/Romana stuff I've been reading is of the cracky variety by two authors. The first is nostalgia-lj: A Heartwarming Story In Which The Doctor And Romana Make A Baby and By the Book

There's more non crack Ten/Romana by the author over at Teaspoon.

And the other is calapine. The ones I really liked aren't Ten/Romana, but features Romana: Lessons and Passing the Torch

The author also has Ten/Romana stuff if you spend some time going through their fic list.


shadowturquoise June 28 2008, 03:18:52 UTC
I absolutely agree with you. Donna is awesome. And while I eagerly anticipated the return of Martha because she got short-changed last year, it irritates me that of Donna's 13 episodes, she has shared EIGHT of them with either past or future companions of the Doctor. And of the 5 left, one was the Donna-lite episode. But even with only 4 episodes of just Doctor-Donna she has still managed to shine ( ... )


beagleinspace June 28 2008, 19:48:04 UTC
I liked Rose for the first half of series 1 and then she started to really irritate me. By the time series 1 ended I was ready for her to move on.

Really? What did it for you in series 1? I actually liked her and went into series 2 not looking forward to the end (I only started watching late last year so I was thoroughly spoiled for Doomsday). However, three episodes in and I was comforting myself with the thought she would soon be gone.

I want some closure so Steven Moffett can stuff her in a closet and start with a clean slate.

Oh I hope so. For some reason, my fear is that Rose goes back to traveling with the Doctor during the 2009 specials. But I guess that would depend on how Rose has (or has not) changed. I also hope Rose getting her closure doesn't take away from Donna. Jack got his last year without shoving Martha in a corner, so fingers crossed.

but there were lots of witnesses to a filmed scene with Donna, Wilf, and the Doctor that don't bode well for her memory staying in tact. Sniff!I read a report on that scene early ( ... )


shadowturquoise June 30 2008, 01:49:36 UTC
Really? What did it for you in series 1?

It really started for me in Father's Day when sh saved her father without consideration of how that would change reality. Of course the whole point of that episode WAS that she didn't think, so I can overlook that one. but in Boomtown we see how she keeps Mickey hanging on a string, playing with his feelings while she travels the universe with TWO men old enough to be her father. But the real clincher for me was when the big green-eyed monster came out and she positively snarled at the idea of Lynda joining the crew. That was such a change from ep.2 where she was teasing the Doctor and Jade about being home by midnight.


beagleinspace July 1 2008, 15:21:20 UTC
Yeah, ClingyJealous!Rose was what turned me against her too.

I've gotta rewatch those last two episodes, but I can't remember whether Rose started acting jealous before or after the Dalek revelation. All I really remember was thinking "Rose, now is not the time to sulk!"


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