
Feb 22, 2014 19:42

One of the annoying things about writing fan fiction is that people keep asking, "Why don't you write a story of your own? You're so good, you could be published ( Read more... )

me me me, writing process

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Comments 54

alizarin_nyc February 23 2014, 06:28:49 UTC
Ack, that old trope! I wish people would get over that. If you wanted to write something else, you would. The fact that you don't should say something. Also, some of us want an AUDIENCE, and this is where we find it.. plus a lot of support and community. Who gets that in the pro world?

Sorry that just makes me ranty. Not to mention that more than half of what I've read in fandom is leagues above plenty of "professional fiction" writing in terms of storytelling, prose and talent. So there. :))


beadattitude February 23 2014, 17:42:22 UTC
If I had the idea to write something else, I would. I'm just grateful to be writing again after a huge, three-year, never-gonna-get-it-back-am-I writer's block.

And I love the audience and the participation here. I'm pretty sure you don't get the same direct feedback from readers like you do with with fanfiction.

AND OMG, I have paid for books that are just ABYSMAL, FROM FAMOUS AUTHORS. I mean, really, really bad!! And they are like, 30 book series (I'm thinking the IN BLOOD series by JD ROBB, in particular). Not only bad, but in her modern world she uses "frigie" for "refrigerator," and I've seen it spelled at least three different ways, and once two different ways in the same book. (Yes, I'm embarrassed I read them, but I needed something easy while I was really depressed once.)

And the Twilight series....::shudders:: Get that woman a thesaurus.


alizarin_nyc February 23 2014, 23:23:09 UTC
Just writing is an accomplishment in itself, and doing it for pleasure, all the moreso. When the floodgates open after a block, there's nothing better!

Muddying that with a desire to be published in the current publishing climate *if you don't readily have that desire* is insane. There is no "kudos" button. There is acceptance, rejection and crickets, generally speaking. I've read plenty of literary journals and despite the odd gem, it's a crapshoot. And you're competing with *thousands*. No thanks!

As for famous authors... I don't know about genre fiction because I don't read it unless it's been *highly* recommended by others... but I do know what it's like to read the top of literary heap and to be genuinely disappointed and boggled that it was published. (Swamplandia! was my most recent foray into modern lit, sending me straight to Thackeray for a palate cleanser of sorts).



beadattitude February 23 2014, 23:27:11 UTC
I've seen it spelled fridgie, friggie and frigie. ACK.

Yeah, IF I EVER had a book I wanted published, I'd go the route of Copperbadge (who, granted, has thousands of followers) and self-publish.


ljs February 23 2014, 13:30:07 UTC
Follow your heart where it takes you. Fanfic doesn't need to be original fic to fulfill you.



beadattitude February 23 2014, 17:36:39 UTC
Exactly. Why can't non-fannish people see that?


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beadattitude February 23 2014, 17:36:11 UTC
It is. But I've had several people tell me it's NOT ENOUGH, OH BB, YOU COULD DO SO MUCH BETTER, and ugh.

It IS enough for me, dammit.


ellixis February 23 2014, 17:09:29 UTC
I get it as an artist, too. "You're good at this! You could make a lot of money!" No, no; that would take so much more time and energy than I have, and would make something I love for its own sake into work that I have to do, and I think that doing that would suck a lot of the fun away from it.


beadattitude February 23 2014, 17:35:07 UTC


ellixis February 23 2014, 18:42:08 UTC
It's SO frustrating. I feel you!


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beadattitude February 23 2014, 17:28:55 UTC
So are you!


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