Actually? Llama John Sheppard is an actual shepherd. He is introduced to Rodney's to help defend and protect the sheep when Ronon and Teyla merge their herds. Rodney,a more-intelligent-than-average sheep dog (I'm thinking Australian Shepherd) is in charge of Teyla's sheep and John, Ronon's
It was an uneasy partnership at first, because llamas naturally dislike dogs, but John understood that Ronon wanted things to work out when Teyla arrived on the farm with Rodney. And Rodney, thankful not to be alone with sheep all day, omg, was grateful to have someone reasonably intelligent to talk to.
John seems so placid and laid back with his long eyelashes, big eyes and smirky mouth, not anyone that seems like a threat. But after he charged and kicked the snot out of that coyote, while Rodney herded the sheep well away from the threat, he was sold. Trembling like a leaf, but sold.
Yes, deadly cold feets. Rodney's been on him for *years* about putting those frozen toes against Rodney's warm calves, but it never works. Ronon's threatened to tie the tops of John's socks so they stay on John's feet and don't get kicked off in the middle of the night, and while John's sure Ronon *would* do so, that's why he sleeps on the other side of Rodney, where there are warm calves to be had with much less credible threats of violence.
Rodney has been known to, um, maybe bring warm socks straight from the dryer to John with the loud excuse that he had no clean underwear for the morning and therefore had to do an emergency load right then and well, John's stuff was right there.
John was so pinkly pleased about the ears that Rodney may have sort of started doing laundry at night, claiming it relaxed him.
His cover was entirely blown the time Teyla caught him microwaving a pair of socks for John when he was sick and Rodney was afraid to leave him alone long enough to go to the laundry.
Comments 40
Actually? Llama John Sheppard is an actual shepherd. He is introduced to Rodney's to help defend and protect the sheep when Ronon and Teyla merge their herds. Rodney,a more-intelligent-than-average sheep dog (I'm thinking Australian Shepherd) is in charge of Teyla's sheep and John, Ronon's
It was an uneasy partnership at first, because llamas naturally dislike dogs, but John understood that Ronon wanted things to work out when Teyla arrived on the farm with Rodney. And Rodney, thankful not to be alone with sheep all day, omg, was grateful to have someone reasonably intelligent to talk to.
John seems so placid and laid back with his long eyelashes, big eyes and smirky mouth, not anyone that seems like a threat. But after he charged and kicked the snot out of that coyote, while Rodney herded the sheep well away from the threat, he was sold. Trembling like a leaf, but sold.
(Er, sorry for all the edits.)
2. The Eye cracks me up.
3. Elbows!
4. Did the second half of that delightful anticipation-y SGA McShep of yours get posted, and I missed it somehow?
::entices muse with cookies::
John was so pinkly pleased about the ears that Rodney may have sort of started doing laundry at night, claiming it relaxed him.
His cover was entirely blown the time Teyla caught him microwaving a pair of socks for John when he was sick and Rodney was afraid to leave him alone long enough to go to the laundry.
"So, stuck. With you."
John smiled slowly. Rodney leaned in.
FTW. \o/
Tight limitations are why I do not write haiku, man.
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