Title: The Road Home, Gata, part 1, a Checkmate story Series:Checkmate ‘Verse Author: Beadattitude Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: G Beta: yin_again (Thanks yintastic one
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I imagine it would be difficult; kitty throats aren't designed to make human language noises. Poor John shouldn't feel so embarrassed/awkward! ::skritches John!Kitty::
As for the typos, they're massively small:
“Ohmygod, that’s my name!.” -- extraneous period between the exclamation point and the quotation mark dumped John unceremoniously on the floor.” -- extraneous quotation mark via his Quija board -- Ouija board
Oh, the cuteness! Hee. Love it all, of course, but especially Rodney hugging him and “Look at you, you got your fur all irritated and poofed out for nothing,”
YAY!! UPDATE!! OMG! I didn't think I'd get to see one before I went off for my own road trip! You had me cracking up in tears at this! I LOVED the part Rodney hugged him, and Elizabeth all groggy and sleepy and tired and going uuurgh talking cats uuurgh! Thank you! So far, it's wonderful! I hope you get it just the way you want so we can soon enjoy more of it! *thumbs up*
Rodney's no dummy. He's seen how creeped out Elizabeth has been, and he's probably seen John sulk about it a time or two. Can't you just hear his outrage?? Go Rodney.
Comments 127
I found 2 small typos; I can keep 'em to myself if you want. I'm a professional editor and can't turn that part of my brain off.
Of course I want to know about the typos! I'm all curious now!
As for the typos, they're massively small:
“Ohmygod, that’s my name!.” -- extraneous period between the exclamation point and the quotation mark
dumped John unceremoniously on the floor.” -- extraneous quotation mark
via his Quija board -- Ouija board
(used wrong icon in last reply!)
Thank you! So far, it's wonderful! I hope you get it just the way you want so we can soon enjoy more of it! *thumbs up*
It's going okay, it's just that the whole shape of if has been kinda hard to wrassle into submission.
Love that he can talk kinda. And Rodney sticking up for John was so cute.
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