Title: Discipline
Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong (minor Junsu/Jaejoong, implied Yoochun/Jaejoong)
Rating: NC-17 (incest, underage, father/son)
Disclaimer: Why do I write such things? The only answer I have is that I cannot actually possess them.
Summary: Jaejoong finds out that Yunho-shi is not who he says he is.
Warning: incest, father/son, underage,
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Comments 37
I really love your ifc with this kind of theme...
But honestly like yoi said...Yunho is super bastard!!!
And Jaejoonnggggg...you're really M...
i'm glad you like it! <3
I was just reading Move in Boyfriend for the nth time. As I've said before, you write the best BDSM. It actually made me shiver. Is it just me, or is a controlling Jung really sexy? Great story. Thanks for sharing.
controlling jung is really, really sexy :)
glad you like it! <3
glad you like it! <3
the sheer power and dominance that yunho exudes in this one-shot is just... it sent shivers down my spine. how jaejoong had enough will to defy him after finding out the truth was amazing though... but really, he is no match for yunho's power. add to that fact that jaejoong desires yunho to the point of fantasizing about him... in jaejoong's words, "he's going to be fucked up"
but jaejoong doesn't care about that. he just cares that he was hurt and rejected... but he's got more power over yunho and he's realized that towards the end. he's already got everything he could ever want... except for yunho's smile and affection. and he's planning on earning those.
this was amazing. 👏👏👏😆😆😆
Jaejoong knows exactly how to get what he wants from Yunho ...
*blush thanks! <3
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