Title: A Knight of Fire Epilogue Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong, Yoochun/Junsu, Changmin/Junho, Heechul/Yoohwan Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: They aren't mine and I can't even claim the idea as mine because it is all devilaugh's fault
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I'm so satisfied that I can only clap my hands and grin like an idiot. I especially loved that little bit with Junho and Changmin. Oh Changmin, tie me up with your vines please. Hahaha.
So, possibly a bandfic as well? Anything written in the next two weeks will be immediately welcomed. And if you ever want to write a sequel, I have lots of ideas :D
Nobody does smutty epilogues like you do hahaha loved it!! Got me all hot and bothered during class though.... Probably not the best time to read it but I couldn't help myself lol <3
Thanks for not ending it where your note was! A scorched couch and blisters on Jaejoong's hips...they shouldn't ever go more than two days without sex again;) This was such a fun story to read and I will re-read it I'm sure, thanks for sharing it<3
Comments 55
So, possibly a bandfic as well? Anything written in the next two weeks will be immediately welcomed. And if you ever want to write a sequel, I have lots of ideas :D
reading smut in class is always the BEST!
When Jaejoong sang about temperature play, I thought of cold, but heat is so damn sexy, omg.
fits their real life personalities well, doesn't it?
glad you like it! <3
yunjae are good at inducing smiles
glad you like it! <3
glad you like it! <3
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