Title: A Knight of Fire 13/? Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong, Yoochun/Junsu, Changmin/Junho Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: They aren't mine and I can't even claim the idea as mine because it is all devilaugh's fault
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RIP Junsu's horse ;( After re-reading, the first part was added, maybe some other things here and there? I can't tell anymore, I know too many of the details. More and more, the air is becoming the most over powered of the four elements. And Yoochun is like "really wish I didn't have this power." It fits perfectly.
Comments 43
I added a few details to this chapter that you are going to need to re-read. <3
After re-reading, the first part was added, maybe some other things here and there? I can't tell anymore, I know too many of the details.
More and more, the air is becoming the most over powered of the four elements. And Yoochun is like "really wish I didn't have this power." It fits perfectly.
Yoochun makes me giggle.
YooSu are slowly figuring out what that means.
glad you like it !<3
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Glad you like it! <3
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Glad you like it! <3
The scene in the rain, priceless!!!
Thanks for the update!!!
Big hug!!!
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