Title: "Dinosaurs and Hydra and Yetis - Oh My!"
Author: spyforaday
A Gift For: AlphaFlyer
Rating: PG (some salty language)
Warnings: Mention of PTSD (nothing graphic), mentions of violence, canon-level Barton family dysfunction
Prompt used: Dinosaurs. Why did it have to be dinosaurs? AND Yes, Natasha, there is a Yeti.
Summary: The Avengers split up to
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Comments 3
Thank you so, so much!! :-)
PS: Why apologize??? This was fabulously inventive!!
To be honest, I lost a great deal of motivation for writing after AoU. Were it not for this exchange (and the permission to ignore the new MCU canon), I might have allowed myself to fade away from fandom all together. But your prompts made me laugh and forced me to bring my "A" game. And while it may take some effort for me to get back in the swing of this writing thing, knowing that you enjoyed the story I wrote for you is the best kick-start I could possibly ask for. :-)
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